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The Mint System collection of Ansible playbooks and roles.


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Ansible Build

The Mint System collection of Ansible playbooks and roles.


  • Install python 3.8+ with pyenv
  • bash/zsh alias task='./task' with optional completion


Clone this repository.

git clone [email protected]:Mint-System/Ansible-Build.git

See task help or task for details about the project commands.


Navigate into the project folder.

cd Ansible-Build

Generate an Ansible vault id and password.

task generate-vault-password $VAULT_ID $PASSWORD

Create an Ansible configuration from the template.

cp ansible.cfg.template ansible.cfg

Install Ansible and Python dependencies.

task install

Create an inventory folder and configure a role.

Ansbile Documentation > Build Your Inventory


Have a look at the Ansible roles and check how to configure them.

Role Description
acme_sh Issue & renew the free certificates.
alertmanager Deploy Alertmanager container.
ansible_scripts Install Ansible scripts.
bigbluebutton Install BigBlueButton with https and greenlight.
bigbluebutton_exporter Deploy BigBlueButton exporter container.
birt Deploy BIRT container.
blackbox_exporter Deploy Blackbox exporter container.
bookstack Deploy BookStack container.
cadvisor Deploy cAdvisor Docker container.
cargo Setup Rust toolchain and cargo package manager.
certbot Deploy Let's Encrypt certificates.
clean Cleanup Ansible roles.
collabora_code Deploy Collabora Code container.
commento Deploy Commento container.
coturn Deploy Coturn cotainer.
cron Setup cron jobs.
crowdsec Deploy crowdsec container.
debug Debug Ansible variables.
dind Deploy Docker in Docker container.
docker Install Docker for Ubuntu and CentOS.
docker_compose Deploy Docker Compose project.
docker_hosts Docker hostname resolver.
docker_network Configure Docker network.
docker_swarm Configure Docker Swarm.
docker_volume Configure Docker volume.
dozzle Deploy Dozzle container.
dribdat Deploy dribdat container.
elasticsearch Deploy Elasticsearch Docker cluster.
fail2ban Install and configure fail2ban.
fathom Deploy Fathom container.
fstab Configure the fstab file.
git Checkout Git repositories.
gitea Deploy Gitea container.
grafana Deploy Grafana Docker container.
hosts Add entries to hosts files.
htpasswd Configure .htpasswd basic auth file.
iam Configures users and groups.
innernet Setup WireGuard based internal network.
jenkins Deploy Jenkins container.
k3s Deploy Kubernetes cluster with K3s.
keycloak Deploy Keycloak Docker container.
keycloak_client Configure Keycloak client.
kibana Deploy Kibana Docker container.
locale Set system locale.
logstash Deploy Logstash Docker container.
loki Deploy Loki container.
mailhog Deploy MailHog Docker container.
mailpit Deploy Mailpit Docker container.
maintenance Maintain operating system and disk space.
mariadb Deploy MariaDB database container.
matomo Deploy Matomo container.
meilisearch Deploy Meilisearch container.
metricbeat Deploy Metricbeat Docker container.
moodle Deploy Moodle container.
mysql Deploy MySQL database container.
n8n Deploy N8N container.
nextcloud Deploy Nextcloud container.
nextcloud_apps Install, update and remove Nextcloud apps.
nextcloud_exporter Deploy Nextcloud exporter container.
nginx Deploy Nginx proxy with Certbot.
nginx_waf Deploy Nginx with ModSecurity and Core Rule Set.
node_exporter Deploy Node exporter container and install custom metric script.
odoo Deploy Odoo container.
odoo_apps Install Odoo apps from file, url, public or private GitHub repo.
odoo_data Generate Odoo data modules.
odoo_enterprise Checkout the Odoo Enterprise git repository.
odoo_exporter Add nginx config for Odoo exporter path.
odoo_patches Apply custom Odoo patches.
odoo_scripts Install Odoo scripts.
onlyoffice_documentserver Deploy OnlyOffice Document Server container.
openldap Deploy OpenLDAP Docker container.
packages Set env vars and install packages.
pgadmin Deploy pgAdmin container.
php_fpm Deploy PHP-FPM container.
postfix Deploy Postfix relay host.
postgres Deploy PostgreSQL database container.
postgres_exporter Deploy PostgreSQL exporter container.
prometheus Deploy Prometheus Docker container.
promtail Deploy Promtail container.
rabbit Deploy RabbitMQ container.
rclone Sync files with RClone.
redis Deploy Redis container.
remark42 Deploy Remark42 container.
resolv Manage resolv configuration.
restic Configure Restic backup jobs.
restic_server Deploy Restic server container.
s3cmd Install and configure s3cmd.
simple_mail_forwarder Deploy Simple Mail Forwarder container container.
superset Deploy Apache Superset container.
systemd Setup systemd service.
timezone Define timezone.
ufw Configure UFW rules.
update Install system and package updates.
vercel Manage vercel domain and dns entries.
wordpress Deploy WordPress container.


All Ansible roles can be deployed to a Linux Server via SSH.

flowchart TD
	A[Host] -->|SSH| B[Server]

Some Ansible roles can be deployed to a Kubernetes Cluster.

Ansible Vault

If you encrypt secrets with multiple vault identities, you can specificy the vault list in the ansible.cfg like this:

vault_identity_list = m[email protected]_pass_mint_system, [email protected]_pass_sozialinfo

Or as an environment variable:

export ANSIBLE_VAULT_IDENTITY_LIST="[email protected]_pass_mint_system, [email protected]_pass_sozialinfo"

Alternatively you can configure the --vault-id parameter of the Ansible playbook command:

ansible-playbook --vault-id [email protected]_pass_mint_system ...

To decrypt single strings run this command:

task encrypt-string sozialinfo "vault_rolename_varname: secret"


Deploy the roles to the target hosts with the following commands.

List hosts in inventory.

task list-hosts inventories/setup

Load virtualenv.

source task source

Test connection.

ansible all -m ping -i inventories/odoo

Deploy multiple inventories.

ansible-playbook -i inventories/setup -i inventories/odoo plays/odoo.yml

Deploy Odoo stack.

ansible-playbook -i inventories/odoo plays/odoo.yml

Deploy role only.

ansible-playbook -i inventories/odoo plays/odoo.yml -t postgres

Deploy without dependencies.

ansible-playbook -i inventories/setup plays/setup.yml --skip-tags depends

Deploy role to specific host.

ansible-playbook -i inventories/setup plays/setup.yml -t docker -l

Deploy role to specific group with non-default user.

ansible-playbook -i inventories/setup plays/setup.yml -t docker -l -u username

Clean Odoo stack.

ansible-playbook -i inventories/odoo plays/clean.yml.yml -t odoo,odoo_volume,odoo_data,postgres,postgres_volume

Clean role only.

ansible-playbook -i inventories/setup plays/clean.yml.yml -t docker_network

Clean dry run.

ansible-playbook -i inventories/odoo plays/odoo.yml -t odoo --check

Install odoo_scripts and odoo_apps locally.

ansible-playbook -i inventories/setup plays/localhost.yml.yml --skip-tags depends

List all Odoo databses.

ansible all -i inventories/odoo -a "docker-postgres-list -c {{ postgres_hostname }}"


Setup the following and the role's Kubernetes variables in your localhost inventory.

k8s_kubeconfig: /home/$USERNAME/.kube/config
k8s_namespace: default

Run the Kubernetes playbook for localhost.

ansible-playbook -i inventories/k8s plays/k8s.yml.yml -l localhost


This section is about developing the Ansible Build project.


Lint the project using Ansible lint.

task lint


Whenever possible use env variables to configure the container.

Env Config

  POSTGRES_USER: "{{ postgres_user }}"
  POSTGRES_PASSWORD: "{{ postgres_password }}"
  POSTGRES_DB: "{{ postgres_db }}"


To persist data use Docker volumes.

Volume Mount

Mount the folder without subfolder.

  - "{{ postgres_volume_name }}:/var/lib/postgresql/data"

For Ansible config files use file mounts.

Bind Mount

  - "{{ nginx_data_dir }}/:/etc/nginx/conf.d/:ro"


Every role folder must contain a file.

Mark fix-me-comments with # FIXME: <your text>.

Naming Conventions

Role names must be lower case and may contain an _.

Vars that are stored in vaults are prefixed with vault_.

Template for role vars:

# Url to Docker repsitory
rolename_volume_name: "{{ rolename_hostname }}"
rolename_data_dir: "/usr/share/{{ rolename_hostname }}"
rolename_password: "{{ vault_rolename_password }}"

The reference roles are postgres and odoo.

Role and Tags

Roles can have multiple tags.

example one tag

To define a Postgres role, you would:

  • Create role postges
  • Assign the tag postgres
  • Create a task file postgres.yml

example multiple tags

To define a Nginx role with a config tag, you would:

  • Create role nginx
  • Assign the tags nginx and nginx_config
  • Create the task files nginx.yml and nginx_config.yml

In the main.yml you would include the tasks as followed:

- name: "Include {{ role_name }} config tasks"
  include_tasks: "{{ role_name }}-config.yml"
  when: nginx_data_dir is defined
    - nginx
    - nginx_config

- name: "Include {{ role_name }} tasks"
  include_tasks: "{{ role_name }}.yml"
  when: nginx_image is defined
    - nginx


Whenever a role is applied to the same host multiple times, you can create multiple aliases for the same host. Append a selected suffix to make a distinction between the aliases:

  • main: Production environment.
  • int: Staging environment.
  • dev: Development and test environment.
  • upgrade: Upgrade environment.
  • dep: Deprecated environment.

Here is an example of an host with two aliases:



The Mint System collection of Ansible playbooks and roles.







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  • Shell 94.0%
  • JavaScript 2.5%
  • Dockerfile 2.3%
  • Python 1.2%