This package extends the built in LocalAuthenticator adding support for a simple JSON file to specify users.
First install Jupyter Hub and all the required dependencies.
Then run:
pip install .
First create a file with desired users and passwords conforming to the following schema:
users_schema = {
'type': 'array',
'items': {
'type': 'object',
'properties': {
'username': {'type': 'string'},
'password': {'type': 'string'},
'required': ['username', 'password']
Then tell Jupyerhub to use it.
From the command line:
jupyterhub --JupyterHub.authenticator_class='json' --JsonAuthenticator.auth_file='path/to/users.json' [other arguments]
From the config file:
c.JupyterHub.authenticator_class = 'json'
c.JsonAuthenticator.auth_file = 'path/to/users.json'
As this authenticator extends LocalAuthenticator it needs the hub to be run with enough privileges to create new users (for example, with sudo).
Another option is to modify the parameter JsonAuthenticator.add_user_cmd It uses the original convention from Jupyterhub:
# This is a fragment from jupyerhub/
add_user_cmd = Command(
The command to use for creating users as a list of strings
For each element in the list, the string USERNAME will be replaced with
the user's username. The username will also be appended as the final argument.
For Linux, the default value is:
['adduser', '-q', '--gecos', '""', '--disabled-password']
To specify a custom home directory, set this to:
['adduser', '-q', '--gecos', '""', '--home', '/customhome/USERNAME', '--disabled-password']
This will run the command:
adduser -q --gecos "" --home /customhome/river --disabled-password river
when the user 'river' is created.
def _add_user_cmd_default(self):
"""Guess the most likely-to-work adduser command for each platform"""
if sys.platform == 'darwin':
raise ValueError("I don't know how to create users on OS X")
elif which('pw'):
# Probably BSD
return ['pw', 'useradd', '-m']
# This appears to be the Linux non-interactive adduser command:
return ['adduser', '-q', '--gecos', '""', '--disabled-password']