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CODOM is an interactive code editor for JavaScript, Python, C++, and more, powered by the Piston Runtime API for real-time execution.
Master programming by recreating your favorite technologies from scratch.
Machine Learning Course, Sharif University of Technology
cli to help you quickly scaffold a full stack app on aptos
This repository contains a practical web app built with React and Redux Toolkit. It showcases efficient state management, dynamic theming, and persistent state techniques, making it an ideal starti…
A Full Stack MERN app with CRUD operations for theatres where users can search for movies that are available and admin can add a movie to the list and much more.
Doctors appointment booking system
It is a E-Learning website which provides functionality of registering in any course and watch its related videos and many other features such as Admin Panel, Instructors related functions etc.
Spring Boot Template for Micro services Architecture - Show cases how to use Zuul for API Gateway, Spring OAuth 2.0 as Auth Server, Multiple Resource (Web Services) Servers, Angular Web App, Eureka…
WeStage is a MERN stack web app that helps Tunisian students find and apply for internships. It connects students with companies, making the internship search process easy and efficient.
HayStack's backend
MERN stack (MongoDB, Express, React and Node.js) create read update and delete (CRUD) web application example
An emoji guide for your commit messages. 😜
A curated list of awesome frameworks, libraries and software for the Java programming language.
A list of cool features of Git and GitHub.
📚 List of awesome university courses for learning Computer Science!
A curated list of awesome C++ (or C) frameworks, libraries, resources, and shiny things. Inspired by awesome-... stuff.
NodeJS + MongoDB API for User Management, Authentication and Registration
Registration and Login user authentication via passport and JWTs
Simple Restful API with Node.js, Express, and MongDB