A Dynamic Network Framework for remote areas without access to the Internet
This is the BE part of the RELAY project
FE Android App Designed & Created by @omerel avialble here
- NodeJS & ES6
- Front-End: React + Redux
- Back-End: Express
- Styling: Bootstrap 4, JSS
- Libs: ImmutableJS, socket.io, Fetch
- Linting / Type Checking: ESLint, Flow, Compat
- Testing: Jest
- Build: Babel, Webpack
- Infra: Yarn, Husky Git Hooks
- Designed & Created by @barrinbar
- Shared the love of RELAY with @omerel
- Mentored by Boris Morose @ Afeka College
- Initiatied with @verekia's boilerplate
Distributed under the MIT license. See LICENSE for more information.