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Please contact [email protected] if you have any question regarding this library and the functionality it provides.

Omise Node.js bindings.


From NPM

$ npm install omise

Code Status

Node.js CI Code Climate

Version Guidance

This library offers maintenance support for 0.x and active development for 1.x. Please refer to the table for specific version compatibility and requirements.

Version Support Omise API Version
0.x Maintenance Mode <= 2017-11-02
1.x Active      2019-05-29

This library is designed to work with Node.js versions that are actively maintained by the Node.js project. We recommend following the official Node.js Releases for selecting a Node.js version.

*Maintenance mode means bug fixes and security patches only.



  1. User enters the credit card information on your website or application using a form.
  2. The card information is sent via HTTPS directly from the client to Opn Payment Servers using Omise.js, Card.js or Omise-iOS SDK.
  3. If the card passes the authorization, then your frontend will send the token to omise-node backend to finally capture the charge with Omise-node.

The code

After you have implemented Omise.js on your frontend. You can charge the card by passing the token ( if card.security_code_check is true ) to omise-node backend.

To implement omise-node as your backend code. You have to configure the library by passing the secret key from to omise export, for example:

var omise = require('omise')({
  'secretKey': 'skey_test_...',
  'omiseVersion': '2019-05-29'
  'description': 'Charge for order ID: 888',
  'amount': '100000', // 1,000 Baht
  'currency': 'thb',
  'capture': false,
  'card': tokenId
}, function(err, resp) {
  if (resp.paid) {
  } else {
    //Handle failure
    throw resp.failure_code;

Please see Opn Payments Documentation for more information on how to use the library.

Important Note:

Full Credit Card data should never touch or go through your servers. That means, do not send credit card data to Opn Payments from your servers directly unless you are PCI-DSS compliant.

The token creation method in the library should only be used either with fake data in test mode (e.g.: quickly creating some fake data, testing our API from a terminal, etc.), or if you are PCI-DSS compliant, send card data from your server. You must achieve and maintain PCI compliance at all times following Security Best Practices

So, we recommended that you create a token using the omise.js library that runs on the browser. It uses Javascript to send the credit card data on the client side to Opn Payments. You can then populate the form with a unique one-time use token, which can be used later on with omise-node or Omise.js. By using this library, you can build a credit card payment form window and create a card token, which you can use to create a charge with omise-node.

For both methods, the client will directly send the card information to the Opn Payments gateway; your servers don't have to deal with card information at all. The library reduces the risk of supporting card payments.

Please read Collecting card information for an explanation on collecting card information.


You can find example usage of this library inside the examples folder located at the root of the repository.

  • JavaScript Examples: See the examples/javascript directory for examples written in JavaScript.
  • TypeScript Examples: See the examples/typescript directory for examples written in TypeScript.

Some examples of library usage are also listed as follows:

Create a customer with card associated to it

Creating a customer can be done by using omise.customers.create that accepts an optional card argument. When you pass in a tokenId retrieved from omise.js, the card associated to that token will be associated to the customer.

  'email': '[email protected]',
  'description': 'John Doe (id: 30)',
  'card': 'tokn_test_4xs9408a642a1htto8z' //tokenId
}, function(err, customer) {
  var customerId =;

List all customers

After customers are created, you can list them with customer.customers.list by passing a callback to it. The object returned from the list API will be a list object. You can then access the raw data using the data attribute:

omise.customers.list(function(err, list) {

Retrieve a customer

You can retrieve the created customer by using omise.customers.retrieve and passing a customer ID to it, e.g.

omise.customers.retrieve(customerId, function(err, resp) {

Updating a Customer

To update customer information, use omise.customers.update and pass a customer ID and an object containing changes:

omise.customers.update(customerId, {
  description: 'Customer for [email protected]'
}, function(err, resp) {

Promise support

The library also supports the Promise/A+ interface that shares the same API method as the callback one, for example:

omise.tokens.retrieve('tokn_test_4xs9408a642a1htto8z', function(error, token) {
  return omise.customers.create({
    email: '[email protected]',
    description: 'John Doe (id: 30)',
}).then(function(customer) {
  // And we make a charge to actually charge the customer for something.
  return omise.charges.create({
    amount: 10000,
    currency: 'thb',

}).then(function(charge) {

  // This function will be called after a charge is created.

}).catch(function(err) {

  // Put error handling code here.


Error Handling

To handle an invalid request, it is required to check any error using an Error object that includes code and message attributes as stated in Errors. However, for any valid request, checking failure_code and failure_message is required, for example: If you'd like to create a Charge or a Transfer with a valid request, a sucessful charge or tranfer happens only when there are no failutes - that means both failure_code and failure_message must be null.

Resource methods

The following API methods are available. Please read Opn Payments documentation for details.

  • account
    • retrieve()
    • update(data)
  • balance
    • retrieve()
  • charges
    • create(data)
    • list([data])
    • retrieve(chargeId)
    • capture(chargeId)
    • createRefund(chargeId[, data])
    • update(chargeId[, data])
    • reverse(chargeId)
    • expire(chargeId)
    • schedules([data])
  • customers
    • create(data)
    • list([data])
    • update(customerId[, data])
    • destroy(customerId)
    • retrieve(customerId)
    • listCards(customerId[, data])
    • retrieveCard(customerId, cardId)
    • updateCard(customerId, cardId[, data])
    • destroyCard(customerId, cardId)
  • tokens
    • create(data)
    • retrieve(tokenId)
  • transfers
    • create(data)
    • list([data])
    • retrieve(transferId)
    • update(transferId[, data])
    • schedules([data])
  • transactions
    • list([data])
    • retrieve(transactionId)
  • disputes
    • list([data])
    • listClosed()
    • listOpen()
    • listPending()
    • retrieve(disputeId)
    • update(disputeId[, data])
  • recipients
    • create(data)
    • list([data])
    • update(recipientId[, data])
    • destroy(recipientId)
    • retrieve(recipientId)
  • events
    • list([data])
    • retrieve(eventId)
  • links
    • create(data)
    • list([data])
    • retrieve(linkId)
  • sources
    • create(data)
  • schedules
    • create(data)
    • destroy(scheduleId)
    • retrieve([scheduleId])
  • search
    • list(data)


There are two modes of testing.

To test without connecting to the remote API server:

$ npm test

To test by connecting to the actual API server, you must first obtain public and secret keys and export them:

$ export OMISE_PUBLIC_KEY=<test public key>
$ export OMISE_SECRET_KEY=<test secret key>
$ NOCK_OFF=true npm test


Before submitting a pull request, please run jscs to verify coding styles and ensure that all tests pass:

$ npm run jscs
$ npm test

You could use also use a Git pre-commit hook to do this automatically by aliasing to the Git pre-commit hook:

ln -s ./ .git/hooks/pre-commit

Adding new resources

Resources are handled via apiResource. To add a new resource, create a new resource file named lib/resourceName.js with the following content:

var resource = require('../apiResources');
var resourceName = function(config) {
  return resource.resourceActions(
    ['create', 'list', 'retrieve', 'destroy', 'update'],
    {'key': config['secretKey']}

module.exports = resourceName;

Then register the newly created resource to lib/apiResources.js as e.g. resourceName('resourceName'). Pre-built actions are: create, list, retrieve, destroy and update.

Requests mocking

Request mocks are stored as test/mocks/<resource>_<action>.js.