- Pro
The C++ implementation of HyperLogLog++ algorithm using murmur3_64_128 hashing mechanism.
High-quality QR Code generator library in Java, JavaScript, Python, C++, C, Rust, TypeScript.
howCode's simple Python Blockchain with MINING!
Continuous integration (CI) + Google Test (gtest) + CMake example boilerplate demo
Models and examples built with TensorFlow
concurrency-7 created by GitHub Classroom
A nodeJs application in which users can play tic-tac-toe on localhost:3000
A twitter clone with a php backend and bootstrap frontend
An online code player where you can run your html, css, and javascript code.
A Jquery plugin for achieving fading of contents on scrolling
A blog made using php as backend and bootstrap frontend
A website which showcases a blog made by me using some cool jquery animations!