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Repository files navigation

## Prerequisites ##

Versions displayed below are required except for the OS

Ansible :
Vagrant :      1.9.4
VirtualBox:    5.1.14
OS:            OS X 10.13.3

If you are using kubectl version 1.10.0, you will need to change the
k8s_version to "v1.7.16_coreos.0" in zones/development/inventory/group_vars/bootstrap.yml

## Installation ##

Add the following line into your local hosts file:

Select the required environment from the list when requested:
$ . ./setenv

install the vvp custom box:
$ bin/vvp-install-box

start the infrastructure deployment 
$ vagrant up

Login to the coreos box quickly after provisioning has finished, 
wait for the VM to reboot automatically for the first time.

After the reboot, perform the following manual steps on coreos
Create the file:

with contents:


Add the following line to the bottom of /etc/hosts

Reboot coreos

After rebooting, once again login to the coreos box.
Wait (about 15 min) for all of the docker containers and services to become fully up and ready.
You can monitor the syslogs using the command "journalctl -xef". Wait for activity in the syslogs to die down for a few minutes.

Run command
$ bin/vvp-deploy

After the above deploy, it can take around 30 minutes for everything to finish.

To access the ICE dashboard, go to

To access the gitlab dashboard, go to

To access the Jenkins dashbaord, go to

Also recommended to setup port forwarding for port 22 on the coreos box


To create an account
- Sign up like normal (email, pwd)
- No email will be sent, you can find the activation link with the command "kubectl logs <em-uwsgi pod name>"
- Paste the activation link into your browser to activate the new account
- login to your new account
- Add a public ssh key your profile

Before creating an engagement, you need to manually configure the jenkins container
- login as root to the running jenkins container
$ docker exec -it -u root <jenkins container id> "/bin/sh"
- add to /etc/hosts

From here, you have two options to setup the Jenkins validation script
1) If you are running locally and gitlab is not accessible from the internet, 
you can stop here and once a repo is created in gitlab you can mark it public.
2) If you need to keep the heat template repos private, you can modify /usr/local/bin/ice-testengine to use authentication
http://$domain/$repo" master change to http://<administrator username>:<administrator password>@$domain/$repo" master
- administrator username by default is root. gitlab_admin_password is in the unencrypted vault file.

At this point, users can login to the ICE portal and create engagements.

Once an engagement has been created with your new user, it will create a corresponding project in gitlab.

- login to gitlab WITH THE ADMIN credentials
- You can grab the link that a user will need to clone and upload heat templates. Most likely ssh will not work, only http.
- In the previous step when you set up the jenkins container,
If you did not add authentication to the ice-testengine script, you need to mark the repo public.
BE AWARE if youre not using a private instance, this could allow anyone to see the uploaded heat templates.
- clone the repo. Cloning may only work over http.
- add your heat templates and commit them to the repo
- This will start a jenkins job to validate your templates, and results will be posted to the portal once complete.

Login to the Engagement Manager portal as an administrator
- move engagement along
- check heat tempalte validation status
- approve, reject, check jenkins logs, etc...


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