Convert vector graphics to g-code for pen plotters, laser engravers, and other CNC machines
Check it out at Just select an SVG and click generate!
cargo run --release -- examples/Vanderbilt_Commodores_logo.svg --off 'M4' --on 'M5' -o out.gcode
To convert curves to G02/G03 Gcode commands, use flag --circular-interpolation true
Output, rendered at
cat out.gcode
The core functionality of this tool is available as the svg2gcode crate.
These go into greater detail on the tool's origins, implementation details, and planned features.
Use a 3D printer for plotting: (thanks @jeevank for sharing this)
Convert a PDF to GCode: follow this guide using Inkscape to convert a PDF to an SVG, then use it with svg2gcode
Are shapes, fill patterns supported? No, objects must be converted to paths in Inkscape with
Object to Path
for use with this program. See #15 for more discussion.