SomiaWhiteRing / SinaWeiboBot
Forked from chaiqingao/SinaWeiboBot新浪微博机器人:已实现剧集更新提醒、每日诗词、每日英语...
Digital Methods Initiative - Twitter Capture and Analysis Toolset
2015 Ways of Seeing Workshop and related materials
ARCHIVED--Submissions for Our Networks 2022 have now closed, check out our full program online!
Repo for CUBigDataClass Project Team 16
A Python library to access Weibo's private write API.
Some useful API for fetching posts, comments and votes from Sina Weibo (Mobile Version) and save them into SQLite DB.
Statistically testing if a celebrity use social media bots
Python ebooks-style bot for Mastodon
A course on getting started with the Twitter API v2 for academic research
Adaptations and Extensions of Twitter-Related Examples from Mining the Social Web
A Python library to easily iterate tweets found by the Twitter Search API
2016年时候,读到了一本元代的名为《异域志》的书,主要介绍中国传说和想象中的异域风情,风格和《山海经》类似,比较魔幻和夸张,顿时有了兴趣。 于是花了一晚上的时间查资料,把书中提到的地名对应的地理位置一一考证出来,整理成了一份数据,放在这里备份。
pygeonlp, A python module for geotagging Japanese texts.
High level script for finding tweets using Python 3 and Tweepy
MeCab-based Japanese Language Tokeniser optimised for Twitter Data
a simplified pytorch CycleGAN implementation adapted from original code
Python module to locate haikus in unstructured English text
A Curriculum for a Semester Course in Computational & Expanded ███ography
Enabling journalists, citizen scientists, humanitarian workers and others to detect “patterns of interest” in satellite imagery.
Free, open-source Chinese character data
Arduino library to draw text and graphics on BLE thermal printers
Most of the human feelings are expressed through the face and by seeing one’s face, one can easily identify whether he is happy or sad or angry. So, for truly knowing the feeling behind words, the …