- Gov_data/CH_policy_zky
- from here, manually collected:
- need to put JHU data folder in the root folder
- data issues
- owid-covid-data.csv is from https://github.com/owid/covid-19-data/tree/master/public/data
- JHU data
- influence of type of government on controlling the virus
- type of gov -- virus
- Focus on policy
- how is effectiveness of policy affected by polity
- Reference/Which Measures are Effective in Containing COVID-19?
- explore a three-layer model: type of gov --affect--> direction/execution of policy --affect--> virus transmission
- get to know the coefficients -- how gov affect policy, how policy affect virus
- hierarchical linear model? Just add another variable?
- ML modelling?
- Or answer the question: is the form of government a good determinant?
- Alternatives: state-society relation -- any quantification work available?
- culture score
- https://www.hofstede-insights.com/product/compare-countries/
- https://geerthofstede.com/research-and-vsm/
- power distance, individualism, masculinity, uncertainty avoidance, long term orientation, indulgence
- choose proper variable to quanitfy virus severeity
- Virus severity
- avg. growth rate (current)
- Policy**
- pace of action -- time interval between first occurance and total lockdown (control)
- Virus severity
- Related researcher
- Prof. Christopher Berry, Assoc. Prof. Anthony Fowler (field relevant!)
- UChicago news article
- (a US version of measuring governmental response )
- Dali Yang & Regina?
- NYU Shanghai -- Prof Jenq
- Prof. Christopher Berry, Assoc. Prof. Anthony Fowler (field relevant!)
- Peter Meeting 1
- log regression -- growth rate
- maybe try exclusion criteria for days to calculate growth rate (num of days between 10 - 1000)
- Diff-in-diff (utilize panel data)
Dali Yang update!
May 22
- underreporting / measurement error
- effect is in terms of counterfactual -- measure effect in terms of that
- Book: (undergrad) Mastering metrics: the path from cause to effect, Josh Angrist, et al
- (grad) mostly harmless econometrics
- find a research design to approximate the experiment to get the causal effect
- treatment: 'democracy'
- control should account for the confouding factors: those affecting virus except democracy
- natrual experiment appraoch
- diff-n-diff: similar countries that differ in democracy
- other treatment variable: public health? Taiwan/S. Korea vs. US UK UCLA '' https://stats.idre.ucla.edu/stata/seminars/stata-survival/
Synthetic control
- whether counterfactual
- history of that counterfactual -- look at history
- matching based on important characteristics of the country -- use other control variables
- ability to enforce lockdown (might )
- Taiwan? no lockdown but did well
- Japan
- cultural score
dependent variable
- effectiveness: change in line
- manually construct: smoothing, limit it to countries with more data
- messy data: don't have
- develop an algorithm how to select data
- number of death, num of confirmed cases
literature review
- mass media articles -- collective/individualistic articles
- political science literature: how effective government reacts