Introduction: In this project I have created a tic-tac-toe learning bot using reinforcement learning. For details about about the project open Project.pptx file in this folder.
Instructions to run the code:
Open Anaconda (Terminal for Linux users) go to the directory in which the files are saved and enter the following line on the terminal:
Once you run that line the bot will start playing with another bot for about 50,000 games. This will take a few minutes. This is the learning process of the bot.
Once it is done playing 50,000 games. It will start playing with you. It will ask you if you want to go first or second. Enter either 1 or 2.
Start playing. You can enter the co-ordinates of the place where you want to place 'x' or 'o'. eg: If you are playing first, entering 1,1 will place it in the center of the board.
When the game is ended it will ask you if you want to play again? Enter 'y' if you want to play again else enter 'n'