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Nested rimraf CLI app.

Use it to clear your junk in nested directories Looks for target file/directory through specified tree and then removes everything

pypi codecov


Imaginary folder structure:

  → /file
    → /node_modules // file, not directory
  → /node_modules
    → /enemy.txt
  → /sub
    → /2
      → /1
        → /4
          → /node_modules
            → /enemy.txt
    → /3
      → /node_modules
        → /enemy.txt
  → /sub2
    → /node_modules
      → /enemy.txt
  → /symlink
    → /example
      → /enemy.txt
    → /node_modules // symlink to /subject/symlink/example


  1. Find all node_modules
  2. Find and remove all node_modules
  3. Find and remove all directories named node_modules
  4. Find and remove all node_modules, but do not remove symlinks
  5. [Ultimate] Find all node_modules, except files and symlinks, save them to file, correct file and remove the remaining

1. Find all node_modules

We need to run scan command with target=node_modules and directory=./subject

$> nested-rimraf scan node_modules ./subject

Files and directories (include symlinks):
        → subject/node_modules
        → subject/symlink/node_modules
        → subject/file/node_modules
        → subject/sub/node_modules
        → subject/sub/3/node_modules
        → subject/sub/2/1/4/node_modules
        → subject/sub2/node_modules

2. Find and remove all node_modules

As easy, as previous one. Just use rm instead of scan

$> nested-rimraf rm node_modules ./subject

Files and directories (include symlinks):
        → subject/node_modules
        → subject/symlink/node_modules
        → subject/file/node_modules
        → subject/sub/node_modules
        → subject/sub/3/node_modules
        → subject/sub/2/1/4/node_modules
        → subject/sub2/node_modules
Are you sure you want to delete it? [y/N]: y
Done flawlessly!

Note: Question Are you sure you want to delete it? [y/N]: y may be avoided with --agree/-y option. Like that:

$> nested-rimraf rm -y node_modules ./subject

Files and directories (include symlinks):
        → subject/node_modules
        → subject/symlink/node_modules
        → subject/file/node_modules
        → subject/sub/node_modules
        → subject/sub/3/node_modules
        → subject/sub/2/1/4/node_modules
        → subject/sub2/node_modules
Done flawlessly!

3. Find and remove all directories named node_modules

Ok, lets add option --dir-only/-d

$> nested-rimraf rm -y node_modules ./subject --dir-only 

Directories (include symlinks):
        → subject/node_modules
        → subject/symlink/node_modules
        → subject/sub/node_modules
        → subject/sub/3/node_modules
        → subject/sub/2/1/4/node_modules
        → subject/sub2/node_modules
Done flawlessly!

As you can see, there is no subject/file/node_modules in the list (because it's file, not a directory).

Let's run something similar

4. Find and remove all node_modules, but do not remove symlinks

Same pattern:

$> nested-rimraf rm -y node_modules ./subject --without-symlinks

Directories (include symlinks):
        → subject/node_modules
        → subject/file/node_modules
        → subject/sub/node_modules
        → subject/sub/3/node_modules
        → subject/sub/2/1/4/node_modules
        → subject/sub2/node_modules
Done flawlessly!

Let's try the hardest one, shall we?

5. [Ultimate] Find all node_modules, except files and symlinks, save them to file, correct file and remove the


Human control, eh?

$>  nested-rimraf scan -dsL node_modules ./subject --save-path ./subject/to_correct.txt 
Directories (exclude symlinks):
        → subject/node_modules
        → subject/sub/node_modules
        → subject/sub/3/node_modules
        → subject/sub/2/1/4/node_modules
        → subject/sub2/node_modules
Successfully saved list to "subject/to_correct.txt"

A lot of params:

  • -d - same as --dir-only. Includes only directories
  • -s - same as --without-symlinks. Excludes symlinks
  • -L - same as --save-list. Saves list of matches to file
  • --save-path - path to save matches

What does this file contain? Nothing special, just list of files

$> cat ./subject/to_correct.txt


Let's take it easy and save subject/sub/node_modules by removing it from the file.

And, 3, 2, 1, clear!

$> nested-rimraf rmf -yds ./subject/to_correct.txt

Directories (enclude symlinks):
        → subject/node_modules
        → subject/sub/3/node_modules
        → subject/sub/2/1/4/node_modules
        → subject/sub2/node_modules
Done flawlessly!

Good job!


$ nested-rimraf [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


  • --install-completion: Install completion for the current shell.
  • --show-completion: Show completion for the current shell, to copy it or customize the installation.
  • --help: Show this message and exit.


  • rm: Scan and remove targets inside directory and...
  • rmf: Took file, generated by "nested-rimraf scan"...
  • scan: Scan directory and child-directories to find...

nested-rimraf rm

Scan and remove targets inside directory and sub-directories


$ nested-rimraf rm [OPTIONS] TARGET [DIRECTORY]


  • TARGET: Target name to find inside of directory [required]
  • [DIRECTORY]: Directory to scan in [default: .]


  • -d, --dir-only: Target only directories [default: False]
  • -s, --without-symlinks: Do not process symlinks as targets [default: False]
  • -y, --agree: Remove without any questions [default: False]
  • -I, --ignore-errors: Ignore errors and delete until possible [default: False]
  • -v, --verbose: Talk a lot [default: False]
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

nested-rimraf rmf

Took file, generated by "nested-rimraf scan" and remove everything from it


$ nested-rimraf rmf [OPTIONS] [SAVE_PATH]


  • [SAVE_PATH]: Remove list from passed file or ".nr-todo" inside passed directory [default: .nr-todo]


  • -d, --dir-only: Target only directories [default: False]
  • -s, --without-symlinks: Do not process symlinks as targets [default: False]
  • -y, --agree: Remove without any questions [default: False]
  • -I, --ignore-errors: Ignore errors and delete until possible [default: False]
  • -v, --verbose: Talk a lot [default: False]
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

nested-rimraf scan

Scan directory and child-directories to find targets


nested-rimraf scan


$ nested-rimraf scan [OPTIONS] TARGET [DIRECTORY]


  • TARGET: Target name to find inside of directory [required]
  • [DIRECTORY]: Directory to scan in [default: .]


  • -d, --dir-only: Target only directories [default: False]
  • -s, --without-symlinks: Do not process symlinks as targets [default: False]
  • -L, --save-list: Save list of targets for further use [default: False]
  • --save-path TEXT: File to save list of targets [default: .nr-todo]
  • -v, --verbose: Talk a lot [default: False]
  • --help: Show this message and exit.