Markdown To Workflow. A tool which can convert typically "VCS managed" mardown checklist into e.g. a linked structure of Jira Epics. Tool can not only create checklists, but also update them!
You can install latest python3-md2workfow or python2-md2workflow rpms from lkocman's home project**
> osc -A repourls devel:languages:python/python-md2workflow
> sudo zypper ar --refresh $ONE_OF_URLS_ABOVE
> sudo zypper install python3-md2workflow # or python2-md2workflow
Please use virtualenv!!!
> pip install md2workflow
Collecting md2workflow
Collecting jira (from md2workflow)
Tool parses a project configuration (.ini) file, which is mapping individual markdown files to predefined workflows (e.g. Jira Epics). Tasks are defined in the depic
JIRA Epic name is taken from the configuration section and tasks are simply Heading4 (####) from the markdown file, subtasks would be Heading5 (#####) The project configuration file can also define workflow/epic level dependencies.
The markdown file is suppose to contain only 1 Workflow/Epic at the time. You can also skip H1 (heading) in the markdown file, jira will still create Epic for you.
Tool can create (default) and also --update existing.
Update means to create a new task (in case of summary and product mismatch) or update existing (description, issue links). Update is applied on tasks in states defined in configuration. States of both Epic and task affect whether it can be updated.
These need to be updated to match the instance configuration.
If your update is failing on "missing tasks" in already resolved epic, then please temporarily remove these epic references from your project file.
This can typically happen if closed tasks were renamed and there is a new dependency on given task in already resolved Epic.
update_states = Open, Backlog
epic_update_states = Open, Backlog, In Progress
Lines after heading (H1/H4/H5) with following syntax are identified as variables.
#### My Task
Some Variable: Some Value
This is a description of the example My Task. Task has a variable.
##### My Sub Task
Some Variable: Some Value
This is a description of the example Subtask My Sub Task, which is a subtask of My Task. Task has also a variable.
These variables have further use in inter-task relations and ownership (Blocks: My Task, Responsible: team_name, ...) Ownership syntax is set by default by "Responsible: $GROUP". (Variable name can be changed in config) Tool supports setting various group assignees and therefore assign issues to a particular person.
Both ${Project} and ${Product} in task description get expanded to the value of relevant JIRA field (see mapping_Product). ${Epic} gets replaced by the Epic name.
#### My Task
Some Variable: Some Value
This ${Product} ${Epic} gets expanded into e.g. "Suse Linux Enterprise Server 15 Beta 2"
Where Beta 2 is the Epic name. This is specific only to the jira backend.
We support schedule integration with all backends (currently Redmine and Jira) Integration is done via .ics file (either local or remote via url).
This ics file needs to be referenced in the schedule section of project config. Task can be integrated with schedule by using variable Calendar: Value. The value needs to match summary of the event in iCalendar file.
JIRA supports only due-date, start date can't be set via REST. Redime supports both start and due dates.
#### Task
Calendar: Summary of event from ics
This task will have start/due dates.
If you just cloned the tool, the configuration files are located in the example directory. Tool uses two files as an input.
Is an .ini file which holds information about backend (e.g. jira or generic) and instance specific configuration, custom fields etc. It's supplied by the --env option
bin/md2workflow --env $ENV [--update] project_config # $ENV in this case is e.g. local as in /etc/md2workflow/local.conf
The tool is looking up for following locations for the env file in given order. You do not need to specify full config name (e.g. --env examples/local.conf) but rather just --env local
Lookup order
- Path passed to command line (e.g --env /tmp/env.conf)
- ~/.md2workflow/
- example directory of the git checkout
- /etc/md2workflow/
- config resources from
Example Environment config for Redmine
Redmine is really easy to start with as you can just docker pull the container. Create initial project e.g. Example and define issue states and issue workflow in the Administration part.
If you skip the issue states and workflow then creation of any issue or target_version will fail.
backend = redmine
# lkocman's local container setup, default port is 3000
server = http://redmine-example:3000
auth = basic
user = admin
# Plase do not expose password in system-wide config
# but it's perfectly fine in ~/.md2workflow where file has permissions 600
password = adminadmin
# We'll create subproject if project is defined
# Identifier of parent process
parent = example
is_project_public = True
level = DEBUG
relations = Blocks, Depends On, Implements, Implemented by
inbound = Implemented by, Depends On
Example Environment config for JIRA
backend = jira
server =
# cert is path to cert or None for insecure connection
# cert = Path/to/cert
auth = basic
# A jira project where issues will be created
project = EXAMPLE
# These may differ per server, or at least SubTask
mapping_JiraSubTask = Sub-Task
mapping_JiraTask = Task
mapping_JiraBasedWorkflow = Epic
# Field where the Epic Name will be set (same as summary)
mapping_EpicName = Epic Name
# Field where the Epic Name should be queried
mapping_EpicNameQuery = Epic Link
# Ability to override assignee field
mapping_Assignee = Worker
# Where to set [project] name. A must have for updates
mapping_ProjectName = Product
# This should be a giturl of the markdown files themselves. Used for relative links within markdown files
relative_link_topurl =
update_states = Open, Backlog
epic_update_states = Open, Backlog, In Progress
level = INFO
relations = Blocks, Depends On, Implements, Implemented by
inbound = Implemented by, Depends On
# TaskRelation as in TaskRelations to the actual Jira value as it might differ per instance
Blocks = Blocks
Depends On = Blocks
Implements = Implements
Implemented by = Implements
Project config (an .ini file) which defines the workflow by combining data from linked markdown files. It's passed to the tool as an argument not an option.
md2workflow --env $ENV /path/to/your/project_config.conf
$ cat md2workflow/example/my_project.conf
name = My cool product 1.0
# http/https url or path
calendar_url = example.ics
markdown_variable = Responsible
build = lkocman
pm = lkocman
qa = lkocman
rel-mgmt = lkocman
scc = lkocman
[Project config]
markdown_filename =
[Alpha Phase]
Depends on = Project config
markdown_filename =
[Alpha 1]
Implements = Alpha Phase
markdown_filename =
[Beta Phase]
Depends on = Alpha Phase
markdown_filename =
[Beta 1]
Implements = Beta Phase
markdown_filename =
[Public Beta]
Implements = Beta Phase
Depends on = Beta 1
markdown_filename =
[Beta 2]
Implements = Beta Phase
Depends on = Public Beta
markdown_filename =
markdown_filename =
Depends on = Beta 2
Depends on = RC
markdown_filename =
This is a Local dry-run of example config (using backend=generic) Consider this a Hello World in md2workfow.
Please be aware that the path to my_project.conf will vary based on how did you get tool.
# For git checkout
bin/md2workflow --env config/local.conf example/my_project.conf # or simply --env local
# For rpm or pip installation (in case that --prefix for pip is /usr)
md2workflow --env local /usr/share/md2workflow/example/my_project.conf
Following is descibing simple workflow of how was the tool intended to use. Perpaps think of that the first two runs are executed before change request to markdown files is done. And update to production is done with already merged changes.
# First check if dryrun of your project works, this catches any syntax issues
bin/md2workflow --env config/local.conf example/my_project.conf # or simply --env local
# Deploy on devel instance (if you have one), perhaps after cleanup of existing data
bin/md2workflow --env jira-devel example/my_project.conf
# Update existing checklist on production instance
bin/md2workflow --env jira-prod --update example/my_project.conf
You can execute pytest in the project directory to execute the unittest suite.
md2workflow$ pytest
======================================== test session starts =========================================
platform linux2 -- Python 2.7.16, pytest-3.10.1, py-1.8.0, pluggy-0.12.0
rootdir: /home/lkocman/Workspace/snowflow/md2workflow, inifile:
collected 37 items
tests/ ..... [ 13%]
tests/ . [ 16%]
tests/ ................ [ 59%]
tests/ ............... [100%]
===================================== 37 passed in 0.20 seconds ======================================