Simple environment variable validation / documentation in ~100 LOC.
- Severity levels (Info, Warning, Fatal).
- Type checking
- Optional ENV variable descriptions.
- Overidable issue handlers (by severity level).
Add to your Gemfile and bundle.
gem "env_rq", git: ""
bundle exec rake test
EnvRq.validate do |e|
# expect ENV_WITH_DESC to exist and warn if not (prints to stout in orange)
# showing description.
e.warn("ENV_WITH_DESC", desc: "Airbrake project to assoicate errors with")
# expect INT_ENV to be of type integer
e.warn("INV_ENV", type: :int)
# and URL_ENV to be a valid URL
e.warn("URL_ENV", type: :url)
# expect MISSING_ENV not to be set and print (in blue) if it is"MISSING_ENV", desc: "this env is no longer used", exclude: true)
# checks that apply only in production
unless Rails.env.production?
# print in red and raise if this ENV is set!
e.fatal("NEVER_SET_ENV", desc: "OH MY GOODNESS", exclude: true)
# override the warn level handler to send issues to Airbrake
send_to_airbrake = lambda do |issues|
issues_string = { |i| i[:requirement].env_var }.join(", ")
Airbrake.notify("ENV issues: variables\n#{issues_string}" )
e.handleIssues(:warn, send_to_airbrake)
Note the 100 LOC count does not include the tests.