data and scripts exampling stosim modeling
Latest recovery of old work adds new functions to stosim. This is preliminary to release on both R-Forge and ultmately CRAN. A co2capture.r script is provided as a function co2capture(). This will run the original analysis on a moderately complex co2capture system. The goal of analysis was to determine first the production weighted availability of CO2 recovery and then the times at various operating status conditions as a percentage of all time.
Windows users can load the stosim version 0.0.15 from this repository. The binary is in the file. Do not unzip this in Windows as you might expect. Rather store this in a local file system and use the “Install package(s) from local files . . .” option available under the packages menu in the R Console or similar command available in RStudio.
[1] "Capacity-Hours: 16721690.4996845"
[1] "Total Hours: 17518573.3943354"
[1] "Capacity Weighted Availability: 0.954512112561143"
lvls PctOfTime WtdPct
1 0.00 1.304324e-02 0.000000e+00
2 0.15 8.689602e-06 1.303440e-06
3 0.25 8.110774e-04 2.027694e-04
4 0.30 2.963746e-04 8.891237e-05
5 0.40 2.365123e-05 9.460490e-06
6 0.50 2.860133e-02 1.430067e-02
7 0.55 6.777877e-04 3.727833e-04
8 0.60 2.228036e-04 1.336821e-04
9 0.65 6.443405e-04 4.188213e-04
10 0.75 4.862971e-02 3.647228e-02
11 0.80 2.302047e-02 1.841638e-02
12 1.00 8.840894e-01 8.840894e-01