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Tags: openwisp/openwisp-radius



This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
pandafy Gagan Deep


Toggle 1.0.1's commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
nemesifier Federico Capoano
Version 1.0.1 [2022-05-10]

- Fixed a bug in the organization radius settings form which was causing it
  to not display some default values correctly
- Fixed a bug in allowed mobile prefix implementation:
  the implementation was joining the globally allowed prefixes
  and the prefixes allowed at org level, with the result
  that disabling a prefix at org level was not possible
- Called-station-ID command: log with warning instead of ``warn`` or ``error``:
  - warn > warning (warn is deprecated)
  - use warning instead of errors for more temporary connection issues cases


Toggle 1.0.0's commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
nemesifier Federico Capoano
Version 1.0.0 [2022-04-18]


- Allowed to login via API with email or phone number
- Allowed freeradius authorize with email or phone number
- Allowed the usage of subnets in `OPENWISP_RADIUS_FREERADIUS_ALLOWED_HOSTS
- Made the fields containing personal data of users which are exposed in the registration API
  configurable (allowed, mandatory, disabled) via the
- Allow to disable registration API via the
  or the admin interface
- Added `throttling of API requests
- Add identity verification feature, configurable via the
- Added utilities for implementing
  `new registration and identity verification methods
- Added `captive portal mock views
  to ease development and debugging
- Add possibility to filter users by registration method in the admin interface
- Added SAML registration method to implement `captive portal authentication
  via Single Sign On (SSO) <>`_
- Added management command and celery task to
  `delete unverified users
- Added translations of user facing API responses in Italian, German, Slovenian and Furlan
- Added `Convert RADIUS accounting CALLED-STATION-ID feature
  celery task and management command,
  with the possibility of triggering it on accounting creation
- Added an `equivalent of the FreeRADIUS sqlcounter feature to the REST API
- Added emission of django signal to FreeRADIUS accounting view:
- Added possibility to send email to the user an they start
  a new radius accounting session
- Added organization level settings and related admin interface functionality
  to enable/disable SAML and social login:


- Added setting to avoid updating username from SAML:


Backward incompatible changes

- Updated prefixes of REST API URLs:

  - API endpoints dedicated to FreeRADIUS have moved to ``/api/v1/freeradius/``
  - the rest of the API endpoints have moved to ``/api/v1/radius/``

- Allowed ``username`` and ``phone_number`` in password reset API,
  the endpoint now accepts the "input" parameter instead of "email"
- Removed customizations for checks and password hashing because
  they are unmaintained, any user needing these customizations is
  advised to implement them as a third party app
- Improved REST API to change password:
  inherited ``PasswordChangeView`` of openwisp-users to add support for
  the current-password field in password change view


- Added support for Django 3.2 and 4.0
- Dropped support for Django 2.2
- Upgraded celery to 5.2.x
- Updated and tested Django REST Framework to 3.13.0
- Added support for Python 3.8, 3.9
- Removed support for Python 3.6

Other changes

- Moved AccountingView to freeradius endpoints
- Relaxed default values for the
  `SMS token settings <>`_
- Switched to new navigation menu and new OpenWISP theme
- Allowed users to sign up to multiple organizations
- Update username when phone number is changed if username is equal to the phone number
- Update stop time and termination to ``None`` if ``status_type`` is ``Interim-Update``
- Send password reset emails using HTML theme:
  leverage the new `openwisp-utils send_email function
  to send an HTML version
  of the reset password email based on the configurable email HTML theme of OpenWISP
- Save the user preferred language in obtain and validate token views
- Added validation check to prevent invalid username in batch user creation
- Allowed to set the
  `Password Reset URL setting
  via the admin interface
- Added soft limits to celery tasks for background operations
- Generalized the implementation of the fallback model fields which allow
  overriding general settings for each organization


- Fixed login template of openwisp-admin-theme
- Fixed swagger API docs collision with openwisp-users
- Ensured each user can be member of a group only once
- Radius check and reply should check for organization membership
- ``ValidateAuthTokenView``: show ``phone_number`` as ``null`` if ``None``
- Freeradius API: properly handle interaction between multiple orgs:
  an user trying to authorize using the authorization data of an
  org for which they are not member of must be rejected
- Fixed radius user group creation with multiple orgs
- Added validation of phone number uniqueness in the registration API
- Fixed issues with translatable strings:

  - we don't translate log lines anymore because these won't be shown
    to end users
  - ``gettext`` does not work with fstrings,
    therefore the use of ``str.format()`` has been restored
  - improved some user facing strings

- Fixed Accounting-On and Accounting-Of accounting requests with blank usernames
- Delete any cached radius token key on phone number change
- Fixed handling of interim-updates for closed sessions:
  added handling of "Interim-Updates" for RadiusAccounting sessions
  that are closed by OpenWISP when user logs into another organization
- Flag user as verified in batch user creation
- Added validation which prevents the creation of duplicated
  check/reply attributes


Toggle 0.2.1's commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
nemesifier Federico Capoano
Version 0.2.1 [2020-12-14]


- Increased openwisp-users and openwisp-utils versions to be
  consistent with the `OpenWISP 2020-12 release
- Increased dj-rest-auth to 2.1.2 and weasyprint to 52


Toggle 0.2.0's commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
nemesifier Federico Capoano
Version 0.2.0 [2020-12-11]


- Changing the phone number via the API now keeps track of previous phone numbers
  used by the user to comply with ISP legal requirements


- Obtain Auth Token View API endpoint: added ``is_active`` attribute to response
- Obtain Auth Token View API endpoint: if the user attempting to authenticate
  is inactive, the API will return HTTP status code 401 along with the auth token
  and ``is_active`` attribute
- Validate Auth Token View API endpoint: added ``is_active``, ``phone_number``
  and ``email`` to response data
- When changing phone number, user is flagged as inactive only after
  the phone token is created and sent successfully
- All API endpoints related to phone token and SMS sending are now
  disabled (return 403 HTTP response) if SMS verification not enabled
  at organization level


- Removed ``static()`` call from media assets
- Fixed password reset for inactive users
- Fixed default password reset URL value and added docs
- Documentation: fixed several broken internal links


Toggle 0.1.0's commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
nemesifier Federico Capoano
Version 0.1.0 [2020-09-10]

- administration web interface
- support for freeradius 3.0
- multi-tenancy
- integration with rlm_rest module of freeradius
- possibility of registering new users via API
- social login support
- mobile phone verification via SMS tokens
- possibility to import users from CSV files
- possibility to generate users for events
- management commands and/or celery tasks to perform
  clean up operations and periodic tasks
- possibility to extend the base classes and swap models
  to add custom functionality without changing the core code