etw hook (syscall/infinity hook) compatible with the latest Windows version of PG
Fast and lightweight x86/x86-64 disassembler and code generation library
Hacker Disassembler Engine 64 Copyright (c) 2008-2009, Vyacheslav Patkov. * All rights reserved.
A basic demonstration of directly overwriting paging structures for physical memory r/w and interprocess memory copy
[WIP] A forked version of LLVM-18 that prioritizes MSVC compatibility. This version is tailored for Windows users.
windows kernel security development
An EDR bypass that prevents EDRs from hooking or loading DLLs into our process by hijacking the AppVerifier layer
example on h4cking call of duty: modern warfare
查看 UE4 Pak 文件的图形化工具,支持 UE4 pak/ucas 文件
Internal Cheat-base for Counter-Strike 2 in C++.
Modified version of face injector v2, added some things and alternative injection method. TAGS: fortnite cheat, fortnite injector
The latest VALORANT offsets that are always up-to-date