First, you need to have node, yarn & docker installed on you machine. A VPN is nice to have. To verify it, try following commands in your terminal. If you do not have it, just Google it.
node --version
yarn --version
docker --version
Run following commands in the teminal of under you project folder to get you APP started
docker-compose up
The app should has been started.
compile typescript code into dist
yarn build
build the docker image with the compiled code in dist via production.Dockerfile
docker build -t chatting-room -f production.Dockerfile .
test the image locally
docker run --rm -p 8080:8080 chatting-room
run the tests
yarn test
generate coverage report
yarn test --coverage
make all developper have the same editor setting which includs indent, end_of_line, charset, insert_final_newline .editorconfig
Dockfile and docker-compose.yml is for dev, production.Dockerfile is for QA, Staging and Live.
A monitor for any changes in your source and automatically restart your server, perfect for you dev environment. This project's setting is watching the
and exectsnode
Execute TypeScript files directly with node, both nodemon and ts-node is used for dev.