Open-source UI by Fomo
Orange offers a set of UI tools and components made for rapid development. It strives to provide elements that easily fit together so developers can focus solely on building products.
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There's a couple ways to get you started with Orange. At this time we provide:
- Orange CDN (minimized)
- Node.js (minimized, source code)
- Git repository (minimized, source code)
The quickest way to getting started is linking to a minimized version of Orange hosted on our servers.
Add these styles and scripts to all your pages:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<script src=""></script>
... and you're good to go! You'll probably want to read the documentation for examples and explanations of available tools.
If you're working on an app powered by Node.js it might make most sense to have Orange among your project's dependencies. But besides version control, this setup let you customize Orange's styling.
You can find this package listed on npm, under the name @orange-ui/orange.
yarn add @orange-ui/orange
The simplest way to setup styles and scripts is by using the pre-built versions that can be found in the /dist
folder within this package.
For this setup, make both ~@orange-ui/orange/dist/css/orange.min.css
and ~@orange-ui/orange/dist/js/orange.min.js
available on all of your pages. Done! You'll probably want to read the documentation for examples and explanations of available tools.
You can gain more control over Orange, however, by importing scss
versions of styles found in the same package. Read the customize section for insights on what's possible.
All of Orange's source code is availabe within this repository - download or fork it on GitHub. Oh, and since you're here, check out the contribute section.
It's possible to:
- import parts of Orange
- change fonts (Google Fonts support)
- adjust colors, dimensions, type scale, etc.
To achieve the above you will need to compile scss
rather than import css
stylesheets. Configure your environment like so:
See main.scss for the complete list of components and utilities you can pick from.
First copy the contents of main.scss
to your app's main styleshet.
Next, comment out anything you don't need.
/** Orange (example configuration) */
/** Core (required) */
@import '~@orange-ui/orange/src/scss/src/_functions';
@import '~@orange-ui/orange/src/scss/src/_variables';
@import '~@orange-ui/orange/src/scss/src/_typography';
@import '~@orange-ui/orange/src/scss/src/_global';
/** Icons (required) */
@import "icons/fontello";
@import "icons/fontello-reset";
/** Utilities (optional) */
@import '~@orange-ui/orange/src/scss/src/utilities/_spacings';
@import '~@orange-ui/orange/src/scss/src/utilities/_colors';
// @import '~@orange-ui/orange/src/scss/src/utilities/_shadows';
// @import '~@orange-ui/orange/src/scss/src/utilities/_text';
/** Components (optional) */
@import '~@orange-ui/orange/src/scss/src/components/_avatar';
@import '~@orange-ui/orange/src/scss/src/components/_breadcrumbs';
@import '~@orange-ui/orange/src/scss/src/components/_card';
// @import '~@orange-ui/orange/src/scss/src/components/_checkbox';
// @import '~@orange-ui/orange/src/scss/src/components/_empty-state';
Make a copy of _variables.scss and include it just about anywhere.
/** Overrides */
@import '_variables';
Remove all !default
modifiers from your newely created file - this will allow values you set to override the defaults.
Add all scripts from ~@orange-ui/orange/src/js/src/*
to your scripts.
Write code? Open an issue on GitHub!
Read the MIT license.