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This branch is 1648 commits behind joplin/plugins:master.

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Joplin Plugin Repository

This is the official Joplin Plugin Repository. It is updated every 30 minutes on the hour and half-hour.


To install any of these plugins, open the desktop application, then go to the "Plugins" section in the Configuration screen. You can then search for any plugin and install it from there.


This repository contains the following plugins:

    Name Version Description Author
🏠 ⬇️ ABC Sheet Music Plugin 1.0.2 Turns ABC text notation into sheet music Laurent Cozic
🏠 ⬇️ Admonition markdown extension 1.1.0 Enables markdownIt admonition plugin, which enables formatting notes Massimiliano Masserelli
🏠 ⬇️ Agenda 3.7.1 An agenda/calendar/schedule panel for joplin that shows all uncompleted to-dos with a due date. BeatLink
🏠 ⬇️ Athena 1.9.2 Import files from import a folder into joplin notebook as notes mit metadata (PDF text in note comment, no OCR) makaanneo
🏠 ⬇️ Attaché 1.1.1 Your attachment updater. Mass replacement of Joplin attachments (resources) such as resized image files, current music playlists, and any other attachments you need to one-off or regularly update within Joplin. Manu Erwin
🏠 ⬇️ Auto Alarm 1.0.7-rc10 Natural language entry of alarm date/times ZPH
🏠 ⬇️ Auto show active note in sidebar 1.0.1 Auto show active note in sidebar Eyal
- ⬇️ Auto Tag 1.0.3-rc7 Convert all octothorpe prefixed words into tags ZPH
🏠 ⬇️ Autolinker 1.0.4 Adds an icon to the toolbar. When clicked, it creates a link to the note with a title matching the selected text. S73ph4n
🏠 ⬇️ Automate Notes 1.0.2 Finds blocks of javascript in the current note (blocks have to start with 'javascript' and end with '') and runs it as a function. S73ph4n
🏠 ⬇️ Automatic Backlinks to note 3.0.3 Creates backlinks to opened note, also in automatic way ambrt,cyingfan
🏠 ⬇️ Backstage 1.0.0 Scan and import files directly from your phone Asrient
🏠 ⬇️ Better Markdown Viewer 2.0.4 Keep Cursor Synced Between Editor and MD Viewer ylc395
🏠 ⬇️ Bible Quote 2.0.0 Quote the bible direct in text editor Dante G. Barboza
- ⬇️ BibTeX 0.5.0 Use locally stored BibTeX files to integrate citation into Joplin Abdallah Ahmed
🏠 ⬇️ Bulk Note Creator 1.0.0 Create notes as bulk Ahmet Altindis
🏠 ⬇️ bytefield-svg 1.1.0 Add support for bytefield-svg diagrams used to describe network protocols, memory layouts and any other binary structure. marc0l92
🏠 ⬇️ Code Section 1.0.4 Inserts a piece of code from code source Jürgen Habelt
🏠 ⬇️ CodeMirror Line Numbers 2.0.0 Enables line numbers for CodeMirror editor Shantanu Goel
🏠 ⬇️ Combine notes 1.0.1 Combine one or more notes JackGruber
🏠 ⬇️ Complete Link 1.0.1 This plugin adds an icon to the toolbar. When clicked, it completes the selected text into a note title (in a markdown link). S73ph4n
🏠 ⬇️ Conflict Resolution 1.2.3 A plugin that makes process of resolving conflicts easier. Ahmed Alwasifey
🏠 ⬇️ Container with Classes 1.0.0 Plugin for creating block-level containers with classes for customization Hieu-Thi Luong
🏠 ⬇️ Convert Text To New Note 1.5.1 Converts highlighted text to new one in same folder ambrt
🏠 ⬇️ Copy Anchor Link 1.1.0 This plugin add several icons next to the note headings that you can click on to copy markdown link of the specific heading. Hieu-Thi Luong
🏠 ⬇️ Copy link to active note 1.0.1 Adds entry to right click menu in editor to get link to active note a
🏠 ⬇️ Create and go to #tags and @notebooks 1.3.7 Go to tag,notebook or note via links or via text a
🏠 ⬇️ Csv Import 1.0.1 Imports a Csv file or pastes a Csv text from Clipboard as table Jürgen Habelt
🏠 ⬇️ Day Review 1.0.1 This plugin adds an icon to the toolbar. When clicked, it makes a review of the day's created/updated/completed notes and todos. S73ph4n
- ⬇️ Dependency graph 1.0.0 Visualizes direct and indirect dependencies of a note as a graph. Vincent Nys
🏠 ⬇️ Disable PDF 1.0.0 Disables the PDF preview (and export) in Joplin for better performance JJ-8
- ⬇️ Discord Rich Presence 1.0.0 A Discord Rich Presence Plugin For Joplin arash28134
🏠 ⬇️ 2.0.0 (aka integration for Joplin marc0l92
🏠 ⬇️ Email Note 1.2.2 Send a note as an email EliasVincent
🏠 ⬇️ Embed Search 2.0.0 Embeds list of links specified by search inside of note ambrt
- ⬇️ embedded tags 1.0.0 embeded tags Dave Edwards
🏠 ⬇️ Emoji 1.0.4 A emoji picker. Retr0ve
🏠 ⬇️ Enhancement 0.8.1 Add support for image size, image caption, pseudocode, auto table formatter, and more SeptemberHX
🏠 ⬇️ Event Calendar 0.2.0 A simple event calendar Franco Speziali
🏠 ⬇️ Export To SSG 1.0.3 Export a collection of notes to static site generator project. aman-d-1-n-only
🏠 ⬇️ Favorites 1.3.0 Save any notebook, note, to-do, tag, or search as favorite in an extra panel view for quick access. Benji300
🏠 ⬇️ Folding in Code Mirror Editor 2.0.1 Allows to fold parts of markdown text displayed in editor ambrt
🏠 ⬇️ Font Size Shortcut 1.0.0 Adds shortcuts to increase/decrease font size mak2002
🏠 ⬇️ Get Notebook ID 1.0.1 Copy/Show the ID of a notebook. For developers. A regular user won't need this. Helmut K. C. Tessarek
🏠 ⬇️ GitHub Theme 0.3.0 Joplin theme with colors of GitHub marc0l92
🏠 ⬇️ Graph 1.1.0 Notes as nodes. Explore your Joplin knowledge graph. Antoine Gerardin
🏠 ⬇️ Highlight Matching 0.1.0 Marks words that match the highlighted selection Daeraxa
🏠 ⬇️ History Panel 1.0.1 Joplin note browsing history alondmnt
🏠 ⬇️ Home Note 1.0.4 Plugin to open a choosen note each time joplin starts. It is like homepages on browsers. Adarsh Singh(lki)
🏠 ⬇️ Hotfolder 1.0.1 Monitors a locale folder and import the files as a new note. JackGruber
🏠 ⬇️ Inline tags 1.2.1 Inline tags plugin Roman Musin
🏠 ⬇️ Inline TODO 1.3.3 Write TODOs everywhere and view them in one place. Caleb John
🏠 ⬇️ Insert Date 1.0.1 Adds a button to insert the current date (without time) into the editor. herdsothom
🏠 ⬇️ Jira Issue 2.4.0 Retrieve Atlassian Jira issues information using their api in order to track the status of them from your Joplin notes. marc0l92
🏠 ⬇️ Joplin Anki Sync 1.0.0 Bidirectional sync between Joplin and Anki Lijun Chen
- ⬇️ Joplin Bible Notes 0.2.0 A Joplin plugin that helps find easily in which notes you spoke about a Bible reference. Tojo Rakotoarison
🏠 ⬇️ Joplin DDDot 0.1.5 Recent notes, shortcuts, scratchpad, and .... in a single sidebar. Ben Lau
🏠 ⬇️ Joplin Note Attachement rename 1.2.0 Joplin plugin to rename note attachments, makaanneo
🏠 ⬇️ Joplin User Link Plugin 1.2.0 A Joplin plugin for custom links, like jump://?query=blabla. Cologler
🏠 ⬇️ joplin-hackmd 1.0.1 Quick share notes on HackMD xardbaiz
🏠 ⬇️ JSheets 1.1.3 JSheets - use to write spreadsheets like excel in Joplin Thibault Jan Beyer
🏠 ⬇️ Kanban 1.0.7 Flexible kanban board plugin for all your tasks Balint Magyar
🏠 ⬇️ Life Calendar 1.2.1 Your Life in Week Plugin for Joplin Hieu-Thi Luong
🏠 ⬇️ Link Graph UI 1.5.0 Visualize the connections between Joplin notes. Trey Mo
🏠 ⬇️ macOS theme 1.3.3 Native looking macOS theme for Joplin. Also works on non-macOS devices. Andre Jilderda
🏠 ⬇️ Make All Links 1.0.3 Searches the current note for mentions of other notes, then makes the corresponding links. Just click the new icon in the toolbar. S73ph4n
🏠 ⬇️ Markdown Prettier 0.1.0 Format your markdown by prettier shufo
🏠 ⬇️ Markdown table calculations 1.0.5 Plugin for automatic calculations of markdown table formulas. Oskar Świda
🏠 ⬇️ Markdown Table: Colorize 1.1.4 Add colors to markdown table syntax and help distinguishing different columns Hieu-Thi Luong
🏠 ⬇️ Markdown Table: Sortable 1.2.2 Sort rendered tables on the fly and apply it to markdown source text. Can recognize simple cases of number, money, date and sort accordingly. Hieu-Thi Luong
🏠 ⬇️ Math Mode 0.5.3 Turn your notes into a powerful calculator with inline math. Caleb John
🏠 ⬇️ Menu items, Shortcuts, Toolbar icons 1.1.0 Additional menu items, shortcuts, and toolbar icons, which are not part of Joplin core Helmut K. C. Tessarek
🏠 ⬇️ Metis 0.1.5 A Simple Task Manager Plugin for Joplin based on Todo.txt Specification Hieu-Thi Luong
🏠 ⬇️ NLR 1.0.2 将joplin在记笔记的同时,变成一个网文小说阅读器,a chinese net literature downloader and reader plugin for joplin. fengQ
🏠 ⬇️ Note Link System 0.8.0 A complete Link System for Joplin. Referrer(aka. backlink), Quick Link, Copy Anchor, Hover to preview, Url Icon, and much more feature ylc395
🏠 ⬇️ Note list and sidebar toggle buttons 1.0.3 Adds buttons to toggle note list and sidebar Laurent Cozic
🏠 ⬇️ Note overview 1.5.5 A note overview is created based on the defined search and the specified fields. JackGruber
🏠 ⬇️ Note Statistics 1.0.4 Plugin to get note statistics Azamah Junior
🏠 ⬇️ Note Tabs 1.4.0 Allows to open several notes at once in tabs and pin them. Benji300
🏠 ⬇️ Note Variables 1.0.0 A plugin to create variables that can be accesed through all the notes. Dante G. Barboza
🏠 ⬇️ Notes Station Import 1.0.5 This plugin imports notes from QNAP Notes Station Jürgen Habelt
🏠 ⬇️ OCR 0.3.2 offline OCR auto/manually for images, videos, pdf documents in your Joplin notes ylc395
🏠 ⬇️ Outline 1.3.1 Outline (TOC) sidebar plugin for joplin. cqroot
🏠 ⬇️ Pages Publisher 1.7.0 Generate static blog website from your picked Joplin notes, and publish to Github Pages, with a few mouse clicks. Support preview in local ylc395
- ⬇️ Paste Special 1.1.2 A plugin used to paste special text into Joplin coderrsid
🏠 ⬇️ Persistent Editor Layout 2.2.0 Save the editor layout (editor/split view/viewer/rich text) for each note separately with custom tags. Benji300
🏠 ⬇️ PlantUML2 1.10.0 Render PlantUML diagram inside your Joplin notes. marc0l92
🏠 ⬇️ Quick Goto 1.2.0 Switch to designated notes using keyboard shortcuts Hieu-Thi Luong
🏠 ⬇️ Quick HTML tags 0.2.0 Create quick HTML tags. Martin Korelič
🏠 ⬇️ Quick Links 1.2.3 Create links to other notes Roman Musin
🏠 ⬇️ Quick Move 1.1.0 Collection of commands to quickly move notes to other notebooks. Benji300
🏠 ⬇️ Random note 1.0.3 Opens a random note from your vault Azamah Junior
🏠 ⬇️ ReadCube Papers 1.0.0 Keep syncing with your ReadCube Papers library, help you create a note for one paper and render the paper note with a formatted paper information table, automatically generate markdown style reference, and allow you to insert your annotations into the note SeptemberHX
🏠 ⬇️ Remove Images 0.0.2 Allows to remove images from selected note mak2002
🏠 ⬇️ Repeating To-Dos 0.10.3 A powerful and comprehensive plugin for to-do repetition/recurrence BeatLink
🏠 ⬇️ Resource Search Plugin 0.1.1 Search in Attached Resources Roman Musin
🏠 ⬇️ Rich Markdown 0.9.0 Helping you ditch the markdown viewer for good. Caleb John
🏠 ⬇️ Rubi and Furigana 1.1.0 Commands that insert appropriate <ruby> and <rt> tags to formatted text to display furigana. Hieu-Thi Luong
🏠 ⬇️ Semantically Similar Notes 0.2.1 Show user which notes are semantically similar to the one they are looking at marc green
🏠 ⬇️ Send snippet to different note 1.0.0 Sends snippet of text to any other note from any notebook ambrt
🏠 ⬇️ Simple Backup 1.1.0 Plugin to create manual and automatic backups. JackGruber
🏠 ⬇️ Slash Commands: Datetime & More 1.2.1 Execute several utilities by typing a command that starts with a slash. Hieu-Thi Luong
🏠 ⬇️ Space Indenter 0.1.0 Indent paragraphs with spaces instead of tabs alondmnt
🏠 ⬇️ Spoilers 1.0.5 Create inline spoilers and spoiler blocks with title and extendable body. Martin Korelič
🏠 ⬇️ Table Formatter Plugin 1.2.1 Format the table under the cursor in Markdown editor Roman Musin
🏠 ⬇️ Tag Links 0.1.0 Insert the link of tags at the footer automatically Ben Lau
🏠 ⬇️ Tagging 1.0.1 Plugin to extend the Joplin tagging menu with a coppy all tags and a tagging dialog with more control. (Formerly Copy Tags). JackGruber
🏠 ⬇️ Tags Generator 1.0.0 Plugin for Joplin which can be used to extract keywords from note and assign them as a note's tags forcewake
🏠 ⬇️ Templates 2.3.0 This plugin allows you to create and use templates in Joplin. Nishant Mittal
🏠 ⬇️ Text Colorize 1.2.0 Easily apply color to text. Sadmice
🏠 ⬇️ TimeTagger Plugin 1.0.4 Time tracking with Joplin and TimeTagger Juan Arana
🏠 ⬇️ turnToChart 1.6.0 Transform markdown table into d3js chart Samuel Gagnepain
🏠 ⬇️ Victor 1.0.0 Victor can be used to clear all your data - notes, notebooks, attachments, tags, etc. Convenient to start over. Laurent Cozic
🏠 ⬇️ White Theme 1.2.5 A white theme for joplin BeatLink


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