A small open-source PMS app made with Django.
- Type of rooms: name, n° of guests and price per day
- Rooms: name, description
- Customers: name, email, phone
- Bookings: checkin, checkout, total guests, customer information, total amount
- Create, delete and check bookings for each room
- Check room availability
- Find bookings by code or customer name
- Dashboard with bookings, incoming and outcoming customers, total invoiced
- Get detailed information about each room
- Edit customer information
To deploy this project locally run
docker compose -f docker-compose.yml up
pip install virtualenv
virtualenv pms
source pms/bin/activate
pip install django
git clone https://github.com/vsa-ok/chapp_pms
cd chapp_pms
pipenv sync
python manage.py runserver
Use for username and password for superuser is "admin" (without quotes).Remember to change it.
- SECRET_KEY should be stored in .env file for production!
- DEBUG is set to TRUE.
- Handle and create error pages
- Validate dates for checkin/checkout in serverside
- Check for room availability exactly before save data in DB
- Change date or define date range in dashboard
- Improve and add more data in dashboard