Yet another tmux sessionizer
Requires a config file at $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/sessionizer/config.toml
(defaulting to $HOME/.config/sessionizer/config.toml
For example:
ignore = ["node_modules"] # optional
name = "default" # optional
path = "$HOME/Downloads" # required
directories = [
entries = [
Open a fuzzy search
Lists all projects (directories with a .git
sub-directory), and, upon selection starting or switching to that tmux session. It always offers the default
sessionizer search
List all sessions
sessionizer sessions
List all detached sessions
Helpful if you want to list alternative sessions eg. in a tmux status bar
sessionizer sessions --detached-only
List all sessions as json
sessionizer sessions --json
"name": "default",
"path": "/Users/person/Downloads",
"attached": false
"name": "personal/project",
"path": "/Users/person/Projects/personal/project",
"attached": true
List windows of attached session (as json)
sessionizer windows --json
"id": "@10",
"active": true,
"active_clients": 1,
"name": "fish"
meaning that the window is currently selected by a session as it's windowactive_clients
counting the number of clients actively viewing that window.
The distinction here is that a session might be detached. A window would still be active
but would have one less active_lients
Start default session
sessionizer start
- prevent user giving the default session a name containing