This project contains a raw implementation of Conway's Game of Life.
- C# - The code only has the program.cs file with a single function.
- JavaScript - The code only has a single gameoflife.html file with a function called runConway().
No forethought has gone into the design or structure of the code.
Refactor this code to the n-th degree, till you're happy or until time runs out (2020-10-23 @ 14:00).
- clone the master branch.
- Choose which implementation you want to refactor(you don't need to refactor both languages).
- refactor
- You can email your solution or add it to a source control repository and send the link.
- Let me know when you're done @ [email protected]
- It's easy to test when using a simple deterministic pattern.
- Martin Fowler wrote a book about refactoring.
- It can help if only one person codes at any time see: Pair-Programming.
- Use any IDE that you are comfortable with.