This project is a Django-based web application for a movie website. It features a range of functionalities typical of modern web platforms.
The website comprises several pages:
- Most Watched Movies Page: Showcasing the most popular movies.
- Home Page: The central hub of the site.
- Category Pages: Dedicated to different genres.
- Individual Movie Detail Pages: For detailed information about each movie.
- User Profile Pages: For user-specific information and settings.
Navigation through the website is facilitated by a navbar and sidebars on various pages.
- Signup: Users can sign up via the 'Become a Member' section in the navbar, which redirects them to the signup page. Post-registration, users are directed to the login screen.
- Viewing Movies: Movies can be viewed by any visitor without the need for registration.
- Commenting: To comment on movies, users must sign up and log in.
- Visibility of Comments: Unregistered users can view comments but cannot see the comment section on movie detail pages.
- Profile Access: All users, regardless of login status, can view individual user profiles.
- Profile Editing: Logged-in users can edit their profiles, including avatars, information, and social links.
- The project utilizes the movie API provided by The Movie Database (TMDB).
- A custom database can be created and utilized following the structure defined in the
file undermovie_app
If you want to use TheMovieDB Database for the project, you need to get the api key from their original site in the above
The site's search functionality operates based on movie titles. It performs a case-insensitive search across the database and returns results, implementing pagination for queries yielding more than 20 results.
The homepage features the six most popular movies and a paginated list of the latest 20 movies. The movies are sorted from newest to oldest in the database and displayed accordingly on the homepage.
Each category page displays only the movies belonging to that specific genre, showing the latest 20 movies in a paginated format.
This page ranks movies based on the 'popularity' metric from TMDB, showing them from most to least popular. Pagination is active, displaying 20 movies per page.
After signing up and logging in, each user has a personal profile page based on their username. Users can update their information, change their password, or delete their account. Profile customization options include changing the avatar, adding a biography, and including social media links.
In profile detail pages people can see user's latest comments (paginated), their social links and bio + avatar.
Follow these steps to set up the project:
Step 1: Clone the project
git clone
Step 2: Navigate to the directory
cd Django-Movie-App
Step 3: Create and activate a virtual environment
# Create
python -m venv env
# Activate for MacOS & Linux
source env/bin/activate
# Activate for Windows
Step 4: Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
Step 5: Migrate the database and create a superuser
python migrate
python createsuperuser
Step 6: Run the server
python runserver
After completing these steps, you should be able to access the project by visiting
in your browser.
Step 7 (optional): Creating Bulk TheMovieDB Database For Test
if you want to use The Movie Database (TMDB), database for the test purposes of the script, then first get your The Movie Database (TMDB) API key from their site by signing up and follow the instructions below:
After receiving the Api KEY ;
In the file under the commands directory in the Movie_app folder, type the api key you received to the api_key variable field at the top of the file.
Then, by running the following command, you can pull bulk movie data from The Movie Database's database to your local database very quickly with the help of the functions I created using Python threading
python create_movie_database
After getting the API key and entering the specified file and running the command above, you can write the results of these requests to your database by sending requests to various pages of Movie DB with 13 threads every 10 seconds with the help of Python threading.
If you are using SQLITE database, there may be crashes from time to time due to speed.