SNE RP1 Blockchain PKI on Sawtooth
Start the first node:
$ docker-compose -f boot-node.yaml up -d
Start other node (PoET engine rqured at least three additional nodes:
$ docker-compose -f node-0.yaml -f node-1.yaml -f node-2.yaml up -d
Each node contains several services: validator, rest-api and set of transaction processors - settings, identity, poet engine, poet validator registry, and bchainca.
Install Sawtooth core packagies on host machine (for using sawtooth tool to create users and set permissions):
$ sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 8AA7AF1F1091A5FD
$ sudo add-apt-repository 'deb [arch=amd64] xenial universe'
$ sudo apt update
$ apt install sawtooth python3-sawtooth-*
Create users transaction signing keys
$ sawtooth keygen admin
$ sawtooth keygen user
Copy superuser private key generated while starting first node
$ mkdir -p ~/.sawtooth/keys
$ sudo chmod a+r /var/lib/docker/volumes/rp1_poet-shared/_data/superuser.*
$ sudo cp /var/lib/docker/volumes/rp1_poet-shared/_data/superuser.* ~/.sawtooth/keys --force
Set the permisiions:
$ sawtooth identity policy create ca_admin "PERMIT_KEY $(cat ~/.sawtooth/keys/" --key ~/.sawtooth/keys/superuser.priv
$ sawtooth identity role create transactor.transaction_signer.ca_admin ca_admin --key ~/.sawtooth/keys/superuser.priv
$ sawtooth identity policy create ca_client "PERMIT_KEY $(cat ~/.sawtooth/keys/" --key ~/.sawtooth/keys/superuser.priv
$ sawtooth identity role create transactor.transaction_signer.ca_client ca_client --key ~/.sawtooth/keys/superuser.priv
Create keypairs and CA Root self-sign certificate
$ bchainca-cli/python3 init --username admin
Send certificate request
$ bchainca-cli/python3 create COMMON_NAME --username user
List requests
$ bchainca-cli/python3 list_approve --username admin
Approve request by singer
$ bchainca-cli/python3 approve signer_key --username admin
Get list approved requests
$ bchainca-cli/python3 list --username user
Get approved certificate by serial number
$ bchainca-cli/python3 get serial_number --username user
Get certificate status by serial number
$ bchainca-cli/python3 status serial_number --username user
Revoke certificate
$ bchainca-cli/python3 revoke serial_number --username admin