Alibaba Cloud
- Bei Jing
- https://osswangxining.github.io
The API definitions provided by Alibaba Cloud Service Mesh (ASM)
Instructions and issue tracking for Service Mesh capabilities of Cilium
Fluid, elastic data abstraction and acceleration for BigData/AI applications in cloud. (Project under CNCF)
CloudProvider for Alibaba Cloud
This repository includes the artifacts about Istio for Alibaba Yunqi 2018 workshop
The Open Service Broker API implementation for Alibaba Cloud
Alicloud Storage Provider for Kubernetes
CSI Plugin for Kubernetes, Support Alibaba Cloud EBS/NAS/OSS/CPFS
grpc-spring-boot-starter is the Spring Boot starter module based on the underlying gRPC framework.
Terraform Kafka provider - This is a plugin for HashiCorp Terraform, which helps creates, configures and deletes topics on on Kafka.
Spring Cloud Bus based on Apache RocketMQ as stream binder links nodes of a distributed system just like other lightweight message broker such as Kafka, rabbitmq,etc. This can then be used to broad…
This is one specific IoT application enabler focusing on conversation capabilities such as chatbot, etc.
IoT Edge Greengrass lets your devices process the data they generate locally, while still taking advantage of IoT cloud services when an internet connection is available.
IoT Gateway will help you to integrate devices that are connected to legacy and third-party systems with IoT platform
Backend service for conversation insights - Manage your dialogue with state of the art natural language understanding and a revolutionary way to handle multi-turn dialogues with interactive machine…
Web UI for conversation insights - Manage your dialogue with state of the art natural language understanding and a revolutionary way to handle multi-turn dialogues with interactive machine learning…
state of the art natural language understanding using machine learning
Dialogue Management using machine and deep learning
An open-source IoT platform that enables rapid development, management and scaling of IoT projects. With this IoT platform, you are able to: 1) Provision and control devices, 2) Collect and visuali…
Based on Spark core and Spark streaming, we provide one analytics engine using JSON path like syntax as condition expression, and custom plugable actions to trigger different responses.
If you wanna use Ambari to manage Hadoop 2.6.0 on Ubuntu 14.04, you may be disappointed at the unsupport by Ambari. Here we can follow Ambari HDP to extend Hadoop 2.6.0 ruuning on Ubuntu 14.04.
Customize or extend kafka deployment and management within Apache Ambari, including the version change different with the service provided by the specfic HDP stacks
osswangxining / compose
Forked from docker/composeDefine and run complex applications using Docker
As an extension to MVEL (MVFLEX Expression Language), this enhancement can support and be compatible with JSR 223 specification.