Put two images side by side with a slideable overlay effect, e.g. to create an interactive before/after image.
This content type is based on Juxtapose that was created by Alex Duner and Northwestern University Knight Lab, but was heavily modified. It is licensed under the Mozilla Public License 2.0.
Pull or download this archive files and go into the main folder. There run
npm install
to get the required modules. Then build the project using
npm run build
npm run watch
if you want to modify the code and want to get a fresh build built in the background.
If you want to download the sourcecode, you can choose from three main branches:
- release: Will contain the latest official release.
- stable: Will contain features that have not yet been released, but that should work. Use at your own risk in a production environment.
- master: Will contain the latest progress, but may not have been fully tested. Should definitely not be used in a production environment!