Project Credo is a tool for curating, commenting on, and sharing lists of research papers.
If you've ever done research on how coffee affects your body, interventions or preventative measures for cancers, or how to build muscle mass most effectively, you're not alone...and now you can work together to research the questions that vex humanity.
It is a humble first step on what is hopefully a path towards greater scientific consensus among both academics and laypersons.
Project Credo is open-source by design, under a GPLv3 license.
- docker
- docker-compose
- Internet connection
- Install docker:
git clone
(or your favorite protocol)cd
into the directory- Create a
file in the root directory docker-compose build
whenever you add a gem - in this case, you'll be installing all of themdocker-compose run app rails db:create db:schema:load db:migrate db:seed
- to create the database, load the schema, migrate any lingering migrations, and then seed with test datadocker-compose up
to run the rails server
Your .env
file will be used for supplying your docker instances with environment variables, and docker won't start without it. One of the important ones is DOCKER_HOST_IP
, which will tell Rails which IP addresses are allowed to see console and debug output.
On Unix-like environments, you can use docker inspect -f '{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' $@
to figure out your IP Address.
This often results in DOCKER_HOST_IP=
The site's address unfortunately depends on what system you're on. Linux and Mac OS seem to be fine mounting it at localhost:3000
, but on Windows, we've needed to find the docker container's IP address in order to actually see the site. You may need to figure out what your docker container's IP address is.
Submit a pull request against the develop branch and fill out the Pull Request template.
docker-compose run app rails db:environment:set RAILS_ENV=test
docker-compose run app rails test
Start a new issue and fill out the issues template as well as you can.