This is a quickly project that the only purpose is to train my project setup skills and capybara test. I did not cling to details like i18n, design and utility.
Time spend on this project: 5h. (Docker setup, project setup, learn capybara tests, capybara setup with selenium docker container)
- Docker configuration to easy setup the project.
- Scripts to help the use of commands inside docker container
- Capybara installed with selenium as a container to run test easily without download the webdriver
- Rubocop and reek to make code more clean
- CRUD capybara test
- RSpec <3
Ruby version
- 2.6
System dependencies
- Docker 18.09
- Docker Compose 1.23
- docker-compose up -d
Database creation
- ./ db:create db:migrate
How to run the test suite
- ./ exec rspec
Running the application
- ./
- Open your browser and go to: localhost:3000