after-install Public
Forked from vishal2376/after-installCustomized Ubuntu 2020,2022,2023
Python UpdatedDec 25, 2023 -
jetpack_compose_animation Public
Forked from worstkiller/jetpack_compose_animationThis repository is for jetpack compose animation examples
Kotlin MIT License UpdatedJan 12, 2023 -
StatusBarColors Public
Forked from IODevBlue/StatusBarColorsA utility library to manipulate Android's status bar background color, height and transparency.
Kotlin Apache License 2.0 UpdatedNov 6, 2022 -
MaterialDesign Public
Forked from yechaoa/MaterialDesignMaterial Design Samples。ConstraintLayout、MaterialButton、ShapeableImageView、TabLayout、SearchView...
Kotlin UpdatedOct 20, 2022 -
resume-builder Public
Forked from sadanandpai/resume-builderBuild a standard and professional single page resume
TypeScript UpdatedOct 8, 2022 -
Rorty.Android Public
Forked from developersancho/Rorty.Android🚀 Sample Android Clean Architecture on Rorty App focused on the scalability, testability and maintainability written in Kotlin, following best practices using Jetpack.
Kotlin UpdatedJan 14, 2022 -
ApolloRickAndMorty Public
Forked from HamdiBoumaiza/ApolloRickAndMortyjust a side project to try out GraphQL and Dagger Hilt with Clean architecture and MVVM
Kotlin UpdatedMar 11, 2021 -
CalendarView Public
Forked from kizitonwose/CalendarA highly customizable calendar library for Android, powered by RecyclerView.
Kotlin MIT License UpdatedJan 19, 2021 -
NeumorphismClock Public
Simple neumorphism clock component.
OnBoarding Public
Simple carousel component that can be used as an onboarding.
tmdb Public
TMDB app that shows trending, popular movies and tv shows, is based on MVVM architecture using Kotlin as the main language it uses Retrofit, Glide and some other libraries.
Kotlin UpdatedOct 13, 2020 -
ZodiacEditText Public
Simple edittext component that shows zodiac sign.
ProjectX Public
Forked from muratcanbur/ProjectXThis repository might be a starting point for building Android interview tasks. There is also providing a basic sample template based on layered architecture using Dagger2 and Architecture Components.
Kotlin MIT License UpdatedJul 21, 2020