Zoombox is an easy to use Javascript class that allow you to overlay images and videos on the current page.
First, place the whole directory "Zoombox" at the root of your website :
1- Zoombox uses 2 different Javascript scripts that you will have to import in this exact same order (in or just before ) <script type="text/javascript" src="/zoombox/jquery.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/zoombox/zoombox.js"></script> 2- Link the CSS file to your page in the
1- add rel="zoombox" onto your links in order to add the Zoombox effect Link 2- if you would like a group of pictures, you will have to mention a group name in brackets image 1 image 2 image 3 3- You can also mention a length and a height to the Box, rel="zoombox 800 600", in case of a link which is not a picture
- Images : jpg,png,gif,bmp
- MP3
- FLV (An FLV player has been added to the installation file)
- Quicktime links: Mov or MP4
- WMV links
- Dailymotion videos : http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1xhl1_jojodemarrages_creation
- Vimeo links: http://www.vimeo.com/752791
- Youtube links: http://fr.youtube.com/watch?v=8oejjWGFs6o
- On any other links where the iframe system is being used.
Dont hesitate to contact me if you have any other idea of additional links.
** v1.1.0 (14/11/2009) ** New sourcecode (commented in english) New configuration variables You can customize the box editing both CSS and HTML Structure. You can now launch Zoombox with the function zoombox.open(url,largeur,hauteur) ** v1.0.1 (22/12/2008) ** Keyboard is now supported (you can use arrows to switch between images in a galery and echap to close Zoombox) ** v1.0.0 (09/03/2008) : ** Class Zoombox created Resizing pictures when the picture height is too big
Can I modify the file ? Yes, but you will have to inform me of the changes you’ve done