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Overnight Contracts

This repository contains all contracts Overnight

  • Node v16
  • yarn v1.22.18

README navigation

How to install?

  1. Install node
  2. Install yarn
  3. Run yarn install --frozen-lockfile
  4. Create .env file from copy .env.example

For local developing

  1. Define ETHNODE_URI{CHAIN} - public RPC
  2. Define HARDHATBLOCK_NUMBER{CHAIN} - blockNumber for startup hardhat node
  3. Define ETH_NETWORK - chain ID [OPTIMISM, ARBITRUM and etc.]
  4. Define STAND - stand id [polygon, bsc, bsc_usdt, optimism_dai and etc.]
  5. Define PK - private key [can be any test key]

For deploy

  1. Define PK - if you need to deploy contracts to real chain
  2. Define ETHERSCANAPI${CHAIN} - for verify contracts
enum CHAIN:



This repository contains is next modules:

  1. common - it contains common scripts for deploying, build, testing contracts
  2. connectors - interfaces/libraries for integration with other protocols
  3. core - core contracts: UsdPlusToken/Exchange and etc.
  4. governance-new - new governance contracts
  5. leverage - RND contract with leverage strategies [DEPRECATED]
  6. lockup - contracts for lock OVN tokens
  7. market - ZapIns and WrappedUsdPlus contracts
  8. pools - deploy scripts and other date about USD+ pools on Balancer and etc.
  9. pre-sale - contracts of pre-sale OVN
  10. proposals - governance proposals
  11. recovery - information about recovery data after hachs
  12. strategies - contains sub modules with strategies for each chain
  13. swapper - RND on-chain swapper (1inch)
  14. sy - integrate USD+ in Pendle

Tutorials [NOT ACTUAL]

How to deploy new core:

  1. Set in .env file your parameters and check actual gas price in gas station.
  2. Deploy core and setting in pkg/core npx hardhat deploy --tags base,setting --network bsc_usdt
  3. Run base setting in pkg/core npx hardhat run scripts/base-setting.js --network bsc_usdt
  4. Verify core in pkg/core and verify it on scan service. npx hardhat run scripts/verify.js --network bsc_usdt
  5. Deploy market and setting in pkg/market npx hardhat deploy --tags base,setting --network bsc_usdt
  6. Verify market in pkg/market and verify it on scan service. npx hardhat run scripts/verify.js --network bsc_usdt
  7. Deploy cash strategy and setting in pkg/strategies/bsc npx hardhat deploy --tags StrategyVenusUsdt --setting --network bsc_usdt
  8. Verify cash strategy in pkg/strategies/bsc and verify it on scan service. npx hardhat run scripts/verify.js --network bsc_usdt
  9. Set PM by cash strategy in pkg/core npx hardhat run scripts/set-strategies-bsc-usdt.js --network bsc_usdt
  10. Deploy new governance if new chain. Copy governance files if same chain
  11. Move rules of core contracts to governance in pkg/governance npx hardhat run scripts/move_core_to_gov.js --network bsc_usdt
  12. Add cash strategy in core.strategies and core contracts in dict.contracts.
  13. Set percentage in core.collateral after adding liquidity in cash strategy.

How to deploy new strategy:

  1. Set in .env file your parameters and check actual gas price in gas station
  2. Deploy strategy in pkg/strategies/networkName npx hardhat deploy --tags StrategyName --setting --network networkName
  3. Verify strategy in pkg/strategies/networkName and verify it on scan service npx hardhat run scripts/verify.js --network networkName
  4. Add new record in core.strategies, core.collateral and dict.tokens (if it needs)
  5. Add strategy in PM through proposal in pkg/proposals npx hardhat run scripts/proposalName.js --network networkName
  6. Move rules of strategy to governance in pkg/governance npx hardhat run scripts/move_strategies_to_gov.js --network networkName


ProviderError: Sender doesn't have enough funds to send tx. The max upfront cost is: 43660859593337616 and the sender's balance is: 9128357391882676.

Error message contains: Previous implementation doesn't registers -> find latest impl in file pkg/strategies/(network)/.openzeppelin/(network).json and replace impl address with yours.

Error message contains word: history -> go to this file: pkg/common/utils/hardhat-config.js and ctrl+f for history. May be you'll also need to update block number there.

Error: listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use

This error means that port 8545 is already in use. You need to stop the process running on port 8545 and run again.

You can find the process running on port 8545 by running:

lsof -i tcp:8545

Then you can kill the process with:

kill -9 <PID>