bridges mason.nvim
with the null-ls
plugin - making it easier to use both plugins together.
closes some gaps that exist between mason.nvim
and null-ls
. Its main responsibilities are:
- provide extra convenience APIs such as the
command - allow you to (i) automatically install, and (ii) automatically set up a predefined list of sources
- translate between
source names andmason.nvim
package names (e.g.haml_lint
It is recommended to use this extension if you use mason.nvim
and null-ls
Please read the whole before jumping to Setup.
Note: this plugin uses the null-ls
source names in the APIs it exposes - not mason.nvim
package names.
- neovim
>= 0.7.0
use {
Plug 'williamboman/mason.nvim'
Plug 'jose-elias-alvarez/null-ls.nvim'
Plug 'jay-babu/mason-null-ls.nvim'
Available after calling setup
:NullInstall [<source>...]
- installs the provided sources:NullUninstall <source> ...
- uninstalls the provided sources
You may optionally configure certain behavior of mason-null-ls.nvim
when calling the .setup()
function. Refer to
the default configuration for a list of all available settings.
ensure_installed = { "stylua", "jq" }
-- A list of sources to install if they're not already installed.
-- This setting has no relation with the `automatic_installation` setting.
ensure_installed = {},
-- Run `require("null-ls").setup`.
-- Will automatically install masons tools based on selected sources in `null-ls`.
-- Can also be an exclusion list.
-- Example: `automatic_installation = { exclude = { "rust_analyzer", "solargraph" } }`
automatic_installation = false,
-- Whether sources that are installed in mason should be automatically set up in null-ls.
-- Removes the need to set up null-ls manually.
-- Can either be:
-- - false: Null-ls is not automatically registered.
-- - true: Null-ls is automatically registered.
-- - { types = { SOURCE_NAME = {TYPES} } }. Allows overriding default configuration.
-- Ex: { types = { eslint_d = {'formatting'} } }
automatic_setup = false,
Automatic Setup is a need feature that removes the need to configure null-ls
for supported sources.
Sources found installed in mason
will automatically be setup for null-ls.
automatic_setup = true,
See the Default Configuration section to understand how the default dap configs can be overriden.
The setup_handlers()
function provides a dynamic way of setting up sources and any other needed logic, It can also do that during runtime.
NOTE: When setting automatic_setup = true
, the handler function needs to be called at a minimum like:
require 'mason-null-ls'.setup_handlers()
. When passing in a custom handler function for the the default or a source,
then the automatic_setup function one won't be invoked. See below to keep original functionality inside the custom handler.
local null_ls = require 'null-ls'
require ('mason-null-ls').setup({
ensure_installed = {'stylua', 'jq'}
require 'mason-null-ls'.setup_handlers {
function(source_name, methods)
-- all sources with no handler get passed here
-- To keep the original functionality of `automatic_setup = true`,
-- please add the below.
require("mason-null-ls.automatic_setup")(source_name, methods)
stylua = function(source_name, methods)
-- will setup any installed and configured sources above
There are primarily 2 paths to setup.
This involves making sure tools are installed through mason-null-ls
when available.
ensure_installed = {
-- Opt to list sources here, when available in mason.
automatic_installation = false,
automatic_setup = true, -- Recommended, but optional
sources = {
-- Anything not supported by mason.
require 'mason-null-ls'.setup_handlers() -- If `automatic_setup` is true.
sources = {
-- all sources go here.
ensure_installed = nil,
automatic_installation = true,
automatic_setup = false,
Note: This is my personal preference.
Filetype | Source name |
blade | blade_formatter |
bzl | buildifier |
c cpp | cpplint |
c cpp cs java cuda | clang_format |
clj | joker |
cs | csharpier |
django jinja.html htmldjango | djlint |
dockerfile | hadolint |
elm | elm_format |
eruby | erb_lint |
gitcommit | gitlint |
go | gofumpt |
go | goimports |
go | goimports_reviser |
go | golangci_lint |
go | golines |
go | revive |
go | staticcheck |
haml | haml_lint |
javascript typescript | rome |
javascript javascriptreact typescript typescriptreact | xo |
javascript javascriptreact typescript typescriptreact vue | eslint_d |
javascript javascriptreact typescript typescriptreact vue css scss less html json jsonc yaml markdown markdown.mdx graphql handlebars | prettier |
javascript javascriptreact typescript typescriptreact vue css scss less html json jsonc yaml markdown markdown.mdx graphql handlebars | prettierd |
jinja.html htmldjango | curlylint |
json | fixjson |
json | jq |
kotlin | ktlint |
lua | luacheck |
lua | selene |
lua | stylua |
markdown | alex |
markdown | markdownlint |
markdown | write_good |
markdown org | cbfmt |
markdown tex | proselint |
markdown tex asciidoc | vale |
php | phpcbf |
php | psalm |
proto | buf |
proto | protolint |
python | autopep8 |
python | black |
python | blue |
python | flake8 |
python | isort |
python | mypy |
python | pylint |
python | vulture |
python | yapf |
ruby | rubocop |
ruby | standardrb |
sh | shellcheck |
sh | shellharden |
sh | shfmt |
solidity | solhint |
sql | sqlfluff |
sql | sql_formatter |
toml | taplo |
vim | vint |
yaml | actionlint |
yaml | yamlfmt |
yaml | yamllint |
yaml json | cfn_lint |
codespell |
cspell |
editorconfig_checker |
misspell |
textlint |