A simple responsive , support qiniu image cdn theme for hexo, Ported Theme of Hux Blog and Kaijun Blog.
- Add Custom Favicon Function ( thanks @thankuu advice 😊 )
- More Animation
- Bug fix
- And If You Have any Best Idea , Please Contact To me , My Email [email protected] , Or Create A Issue 😄
- Support Double Click Navbar Scroll To Page Top
- Support Swiftfy Search
- Support Friends Links
- Support Single Post Switch CDN Images ToTother Links
- Support Safari & Chrome Color Header Bar
- Support Preview Statistical
- Bug Fix
- wechat title will auto use header images
- home post margin adjust
- home post title font style adjust
- avatar path use absolute url
thanks @刘晓婉 PR thanks @HipHopCoderS PR :) and all users
- in wechat web view double click navbar can't scroll top ( cause wechat have doubleclick nav title return page top function )
- bug fix
- adjust post title text shadow
- change header img path , now you can use
,or use hexo defaultimg
- adjust post subtitle font size
- Author : Haojen Ma
- Version : 2.0
- Compatibility : Hexo 3 or later
- Fully responsive
- Support Qiniu images CDN
- Support Toc
- Duoshuo
- Disqus
- Googe analytics
- Baidu analytics
- Immersive status bar
- Search
- Preivew Statistical
git clone https://github.com/Haojen/hexo-theme-Anisina.git
then copy this folder into your Hexo theme folder
file with your own info. look like this :themes: Anisina
Or you can copy my theme Anisina
into you hexo blog directory , replace default_config.yml
This all , hope you like :)
You can easily get stared by modifying config.yml
Site settings
title: Anisina Blog # title of your website
SEOTitle: Anisina Blog # check out docs for more detail
description: "Cool Blog"
SNS settings
github_username: haojen # modify this account to yours
weibo_username: haojen # the footer woule be auto-updated.
cdn-url: "http://your-cdn.com/" # images cdn path
# Qiniu imageView2 API
clip-content: "?imageView2/1/w/1400/h/400/interlace/1/q/90"
clip-avatar: "?imageView2/2/w/300/h/300/interlace/1/q/90"
clip-post: "?" # you can custom post width and height
clip-home-post-bg: "?imageView2/1/w/800/h/300/interlace/1/q/70"
#post default images
post-default-img: post-default.jpg
# friends
friends: [
title: "your friend title",
href: "your fiend path"
title: "your friend title 2",
href: "your friend path 2"
- use hexo command
hexo new page "Tags"
- then open
folder , findTags/index.md
, setlayout: tags
- after use hexo cammand reset hexo
hexo clean && hexo g
, all done : )
Support qiniu images cdn or you custom others, before use this, you need set you own cdn images root path paste of here.
set your cdn-url,in your own
, setcdn-url
your own pathcdn-url: http://you-cdn.com/
update your images to cdn library
in post front-matter set your images name
header-img: some-images.png
in browser, img src or background-url will be look like http://you-cdn.com/icon-wechat.png
or http://you-cdn.com/header-img
, etc.
if you don't need cdn , the default path is hexo source/img
qiniu imageView2 API
if you wannat to use , you must be configuration cdn-url of qiniu. about qiniu imageView2 API more info please click here
Google Analytics and Baidu Tongji simple config:
#Baidu Analytics**
ba_track_id: 4cc1f2d8f3067386cc5cdb626a202900
#Google Analytics
ga_track_id: 'UA-49627206-1' # Format: UA-xxxxxx-xx
ga_domain: huangxuan.me
Just checkout the code offered by Google/Baidu, and copy paste here, all the rest is already done for you.
This theme support both Disqus and Duoshuo as the third party discussion system.
First, you need to sign up and get your own account. Repeat, DO NOT use mine! (I have set Trusted Domains) It is deathly simple to sign up and you will get the full power of management system. Please give it a try!
Second, you can easily complete your comment configuration by just adding your short name into _config.yml:
duoshuo_username: _your_duoshuo_short_name_
# OR
disqus_username: _your_disqus_short_name_
Furthermore, Duoshuo support Sharing. if you only wanna use Duoshuo comment without sharing, you can set duoshuo_share: false. You can use Duoshuo Sharing and Disqus Comments together also.
featured-tags: true
featured-condition-size: 1 # A tag will be featured if the size of it is more than this condition value
# Sidebar settings
sidebar: true
sidebar-about-description: "your description here"
sidebar-avatar: avatar-hux.jpg
Mini-About-Me module display all your SNS buttons also your avatar and the description if you set sidebar-avatar and sidebar-about-description which is very useful and common for a sidebar so it is default with your sidebar.
It is really nice-looking and well-designed. It would be hidden in a small screen seeing the sidebar would be push to bottom and there is already a footer including SNS feature which is similar.
You can install plugin 'hexo-generator-feed' execute following command: npm install hexo-generator-feed --save if you have already install it, Once you generate static page, atom.xml can auto generation.
then you add your configuration in _config_yml like this: plugins: hexo-generator-feed #RSS订阅插件 links: #添加链接信息 Feed: atom.xml
if you want to add label RSS in SNS,you also can append configuration like the belowing behind the 'SNS settings': RSS: true
The front-matter of a post looks like that:
layout: post
title: "Hola 2016"
subtitle: "hi, I'm haojen ma"
date: 2016-05-26 06:00
author: "Haojen Ma"
header-img: "img/post-default.jpg"
cdn: 'header-on'
- Movies
- Life
hexo new "your-post-name"
they will be create a new post in Hexo source/_posts
if your like chinese poetry , you can try poetry
layout ,they will be cool
hexo new poetry 'your-poetry-name'
A poetry demo
post header images. if you don't have set ,this will use post default header images.
use cdn tag switch single post cdn ,like this:
cdn: 'header-off'
header-img: "http://www.imagestest.com/god.png"
this will turn off cdn , and use your custom url
when your share post to wechat moments , this post images will show here, if you don't have set ,this will use post header images(make sure you have set a default image )
- Give is a Star if you like , fork or jest clone to use , and also you can help me fix bugs and add new feature :)
- if you have any problem or requirement , just open an issue here and i will help you.
- thanks kaijun and hux.
Apache License Version 2.0