I am a self-taught software developer from Czech Republic. I am passionate about learning new technology, exploring things, and studying.
As of 2025, I'm currently interested in reverse-engineering, modern C++, Python, the good ol' GoldSrc engine, CS2, cheating, exploitations, low-level stuff, operating systems, and backend web development and architectures.
CS2 buildnumber dumper CS2 build number dumper.
oxWARE My definitive CS 1.6 cheat that is free and open-source!
sigscanner Customizable C++ signature scanner.
goldsrc-version-list A complete list of GoldSrc versions, build dates, including original binaries!
goldsource-dll-decryptor DLL decryptor for older GoldSrc builds.
goldsrc-reversed-steam_api Reverse-engineered steam_api module that ships with the GoldSrc engine.
goldsrc-reversed-build_number-function A reverse-engineered replica of the build number generator algorithm used in GoldSrc.
cstrike-random-number-generator A reverse-engineered version of RNG (Random Number Generator) algorithm that is being used within cstrike.
goldsrc-reversed-dinput Reverse-engineered original DInput code for the GoldSource engine.
goldsrc-wad-walker A small program to utilize GoldSrc WAD3 files.
GetTickCountImpl An internal implementation for GetTickCount & GetTickCount64.
GetProcAddress Implementation of custom GetProcAddress using library exports.
iat-dump A dumper for all the imports stored within a Windows PE (portable executable).
eat-fn-finder A dumper for all the exports that the specified module exports.
elf-parser A simple elf parser that can dump and log data stored inside an elf file.
obfuscated-win-directory-printer An obfuscated windows directory printer.
x86_executable_inspector A tool that inspects x86 executable formats on Windows (PE format, e.g. DLLs or EXEs).
BraTr BraTr allows realtime translation between text and braille letters..