Tags: oylsister/ZombieSharp
Version 2.2.0 #63 - Replaced NextFrame with NextWorldUpdate. - Added Exit option for classes menu. - Fixed zombie class is not selected when mother zombie class is null. - Added auto set default class if player class is disabled. - Fixed weapon command crash, and added kevlar purchase. - Fixed Restart game cause player to spawn as zombie sometime. - Fixed respawn doesn't work after player death.
Version 2.1.0 (Remake) #61 Version 2.0.0 - Remake completely. - Fixed mode is not working properly during warmup round. - Fixed player health is not applied after respawning. - Fixed weapon knockback is not calculated when player getting hurt. - Updated Napalm fire particle brightness. - Added option random giving player classes on connect and spawn. - Cfg Convar will now automatically create itself if file is not found. - Fixed server crashed due to removing weapon from infect. - Fixed player crashed when applying player model. - Added respawn API Version 2.1.0 - Fixed player is not in dictionary of purchase count. - Fixed mother zombie status didn't set to last after round end. - Added team winning on timeout option. - Added health regen feature.
Updated API and Virtual Function #51 - Added toggle respawn relay option for Zombie Escape. (Disable by default) - Updated API and replace CanUse with CanAcquire function. - Fixed error spam when player quit server while jumping in game. - Fixed zombie can pick up weapon during round end.
Added Speed for class and PlayerClass API #48 - Added extra check warmup for "mp_warmup_online_enabled" cvar. - Added PlayerClass API. - Added apply speed for PlayerClass. - Included PlayerStats Module. (Recommend disable for now) - Added Extra Check when player jump to prevent error.
Added Napalm Burn and Translation #44 - Fixed an issues where countdown timer is not proper deleted before round start. - Added EN Translation (Exclude debug stuff). - Scream Sound Command is now for Zombie Only. - Removed API locally and replaced it with one from NuGet package. - Added Napalm Grenade Effect for Zombie to get burned.
Added Scream Sound #42 - Added Scream Sound. - Added Zombie Model and sound assets. - Replaced CanUse with CanAcquire due to Dynohook issue. - Simplified TerminateRound function. - Fixed Client Crashed due to over apply same model to the player.