A library for building and validating Forms
in Elm
There is no specific way of handling/validating forms in Elm. This library aims to provide an easy but flexible way of creating forms, validating them, handling the different message updates and building a whole business logic on top of them.
Here is a list of different features that we need when dealing with forms imo (and that the library actually implements) :
Custom error
We should be able to fail with custom errors but also implement some logic on our errors : a custom error is usually more than a string (but can be just a string if that's enough) -
Field error
We should be able to have errors at the field level in order to identify which field caused the failure during the validation process -
Field identification
The key associated with a field should be more than a string : a comparable -
Validation process
The validation process should be accumulative and gather all the errors. But should also provide a way to stop and fail at the first error encountered. -
View agnostic
We should be able to work with forms whether we use Bootstrap, MDL, elm-lang/html ... The library should only provide functions to use in the view layer
Plus, the library should also be :
Easy to use
And provide helper functions dealing with the complex stuff so we can focus on the business logic -
Enough to fit most of the common use cases. But also give us the opportunity to do more if we understand what's happening under the hood -
Pipeline friendly
Because when you start using elm-decode-pipeline you just really like this syntax :)
Here are some parts of the first example : a basic form with three fields (two
strings and one int) that creates an OtherModel
{- Model -}
init : ( Model, Cmd Msg )
init =
( Model (F.form myFormFields myFormValidate)
, Cmd.none
type alias Model =
{ myForm : F.Form String MyFormError OtherModel
{- Form -}
type alias OtherModel =
{ firstName : String
, lastName : String
, referenceNumber : Int
type MyFormError
= EmptyString
| NotInt
myFormFields : FF.Fields String
myFormFields =
[ ( "first-name", FF.input )
, ( "last-name", FF.input )
, ( "reference-number", FF.input )
myFormValidate : FV.Validate String MyFormError OtherModel
myFormValidate fields =
FV.valid OtherModel
|> FV.required fields "first-name" (FV.stringField <| FV.notEmpty EmptyString FV.success)
|> FV.required fields "last-name" (FV.stringField <| FV.notEmpty EmptyString FV.success)
|> FV.required fields "reference-number" (FV.stringField <| FV.int NotInt FV.success)
{- Msg/Update -}
type Msg
= Form (FU.Msg String)
update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
case msg of
Form formMsg ->
{ model | myForm = FU.updateForm formMsg model.myForm } ! []
{- View -}
inputText : String -> String -> Html Msg
inputText placeHolder fieldName =
[ inputStyle
, placeholder placeHolder
, onInput (FU.stringFieldMsg Form fieldName)
F.validate model.myForm -- validates the form and returns a `FormResult`
For a better understanding on how to use the library, I would recommend you to go through all the examples, following the order specified. You should have a look at the source code, as there are some comments there, while running the examples and playing with them.
All the examples are single apps (and have their own elm-package.json
so you can run them like this :
If you have downloaded/cloned the all library you can just :
cd elm-forms/examples
and have access to all the examples.
- If you have a
when validating your form, have a look at which field is concerned and - If a field value never changes
- First make sure you're implementing the form
and you're updating the form with theupdateForm
function - Second, in your view, make sure you have an event defined on the field
and it's using a form
- Finally make sure there is no typo error in the field key either in the
or in your view event
- First make sure you're implementing the form
- If a field validation never/always fails/succeeds, make sure you're using