Reverse engineer PostgreSQL database as a detailed JS Object.
Please see for details.
$ npm install pg-structure
import pgStructure from "pg-structure";
async function demo() {
// pg-structure may read client config from process.env. Use environment variables for sensitive information such as passwords.
const db = await pgStructure({ database: "db", user: "u", password: "pass" }, { includeSchemas: ["public"] });
const table = db.get("contact");
const columnNames = =>;
const columnTypeName = table.columns.get("options");
const indexColumnNames = table.indexes.get("ix_mail").columns;
const relatedTables = table.hasManyTables;
reverse engineers PostgreSQL database and lets you easily code, analyze, operate on PostgreSQL database structure by providing details about DB, Schema, Table, Column, ForeignKey, Relation, Index, Type and others.