Project to talk to IDE interface using Raspberry-Pi GPIO pins in SMI (Secondary Memory Interface bus) mode
📺🔢 c64matrix is a version of the classic cmatrix program, but for the Commodore 64. c64matrix is written in C and uses the CC65 cross compiler.
cbmbasic, a portable version of Commodore's version of Microsoft BASIC 6502 as found on the Commodore 64
The source from my Commodore 64 assembly programming tutorial for Windows
ozw1z5rd / picovic
Forked from jfoucher/picovicVic-20 emulation on a Raspberry Pi Pico
max65 is a command-line macro cross-assembler for the 65xx CPU family
PlusD Clone for all ZX Spectrum computers, based on the designs by @Pachuquin & @alvaroalea.
Space Invaders Clone for ZX81, ZX Spectrum, TS2068, ZX Spectrum Next
Clone of the Beta 128 Disk Interface for ZX Spectrum
rhalkyard / geos
Forked from mist64/geosSource code of GEOS 2.0 for the Commodore 64 and 128
Firmware to allow functional testing of ZX Spectrum hardware and related clones. See the wiki for full details.
ozw1z5rd / pico-zxspectrum
Forked from fruit-bat/pico-zxspectrumZX Spectrum for Raspberry Pico Pi RP2040
ozw1z5rd / PicoMite
Forked from jaybek/PicoMiteIndependent fork of PicoMite, please note: this project holds the original authors' copyrights
pucrunch, an Optimizing Hybrid LZ77 RLE Data Compression Program for C64/C128/VIC-20/Plus4
This is the original 1978 BASIC Source code for the classic text-only Super Star Trek Game.
ZX Spectrum for Raspberry Pi Pico RP2040 and RP2350
Use a RPi Pico microcontroller as a WiFi ReProm controller on the Commodore Evo64 Motherboard
Use a Pi Pico to emulate a Commodore 64 KERNAL ROM
An adapter for connecting USB gamepads and mouses to a Commodore C64 through a Raspberry Pi Pico
Program to use the Raspberry Pi Pico as an adapter to make the Commodore64 Joystick USB compatible.
USBSID-Pico is a RPi Pico (RP2040/W RP2350) based board for interfacing one or two MOS SID chips and/or hardware SID emulators over (WEB)USB with your computer, phone, ASID supporting player or USB…
A multiple diagnostic cartridge for the Commodore C64 and/or C128
A harness for the Diagnostic Rev. 586220 Test for the Commodore C64
A BASIC interpreter for Arduino, ESP, RP2040, STM32, Infineon XMC and POSIX with IoT and microcontroller features.
Highly portable MOS 6502 CPU emulator written in ANSI C