Project to talk to IDE interface using Raspberry-Pi GPIO pins in SMI (Secondary Memory Interface bus) mode
📺🔢 c64matrix is a version of the classic cmatrix program, but for the Commodore 64. c64matrix is written in C and uses the CC65 cross compiler.
cbmbasic, a portable version of Commodore's version of Microsoft BASIC 6502 as found on the Commodore 64
The source from my Commodore 64 assembly programming tutorial for Windows
max65 is a command-line macro cross-assembler for the 65xx CPU family
PlusD Clone for all ZX Spectrum computers, based on the designs by @Pachuquin & @alvaroalea.
Space Invaders Clone for ZX81, ZX Spectrum, TS2068, ZX Spectrum Next
Clone of the Beta 128 Disk Interface for ZX Spectrum
Firmware to allow functional testing of ZX Spectrum hardware and related clones. See the wiki for full details.
pucrunch, an Optimizing Hybrid LZ77 RLE Data Compression Program for C64/C128/VIC-20/Plus4
This is the original 1978 BASIC Source code for the classic text-only Super Star Trek Game.
ZX Spectrum for Raspberry Pi Pico RP2040 and RP2350
Use a RPi Pico microcontroller as a WiFi ReProm controller on the Commodore Evo64 Motherboard
Use a Pi Pico to emulate a Commodore 64 KERNAL ROM
An adapter for connecting USB gamepads and mouses to a Commodore C64 through a Raspberry Pi Pico
Program to use the Raspberry Pi Pico as an adapter to make the Commodore64 Joystick USB compatible.
USBSID-Pico is a RPi Pico (RP2040/W RP2350) based board for interfacing one or two MOS SID chips and/or hardware SID emulators over (WEB)USB with your computer, phone, ASID supporting player or USB…
A multiple diagnostic cartridge for the Commodore C64 and/or C128
A harness for the Diagnostic Rev. 586220 Test for the Commodore C64
A BASIC interpreter for Arduino, ESP, RP2040, STM32, Infineon XMC and POSIX with IoT and microcontroller features.
Highly portable MOS 6502 CPU emulator written in ANSI C
Highly portable Zilog Z80 CPU emulator written in ANSI C