Source Han Serif | 思源宋体 | 思源宋體 | 思源宋體 香港 | 源ノ明朝 | 본명조
Burpsuite - Route Vulnerable Scanning 递归式被动检测脆弱路径的burp插件
Packer Fuzzer is a fast and efficient scanner for security detection of websites constructed by javascript module bundler such as Webpack.
Automatically block unwanted, leeches and abnormal BT peers with support for customized and cloud rules.| BT 反吸血工具 - 自动封禁不受欢迎、吸血和异常的 BT 客户端,并支持自定义规则。支持 qB/qBEE/Deluge/BiglyBT/BitComet
💯2025年 网络工程师 (软考中级)备考资源库。 PC版免费刷题软件:
🐍 A toolkit for testing, tweaking and cracking JSON Web Tokens
Community plugins list, theme list, and releases of Obsidian.
Fast passive subdomain enumeration tool.
Vulmap 是一款 web 漏洞扫描和验证工具, 可对 webapps 进行漏洞扫描, 并且具备漏洞验证功能
Automatic SSRF fuzzer and exploitation tool
Collection of publicly available IPTV channels from all over the world
📝A simple and elegant markdown editor, available for Linux, macOS and Windows.
Nmap - the Network Mapper. Github mirror of official SVN repository.
A lightweight utility that makes the Windows taskbar translucent/transparent.
Automatically switches between the dark and light theme of Windows 10 and Windows 11
Atmosphère is a work-in-progress customized firmware for the Nintendo Switch.
Official electron build of
Bypass firewall for traffic forwarding using webshell 一款使用webshell进行流量转发的出网工具
Linux privilege escalation auditing tool
🌴Linux、macOS、Windows Kernel privilege escalation vulnerability collection, with compilation environment, demo GIF map, vulnerability details, executable file (提权漏洞合集)
A little tool to play with Windows security
Automatic SQL injection and database takeover tool