A set of classes to be used in projects related to ClinicalTrials.gov.
To use the ctakes classes we need to install cTAKES:
Install Maven (This is for OS X, requires [Homebrew][], adapt accordingly)
brew install maven
Run the script
, which will:- checkout a copy of cTAKES into
(if you haven't already) or update from the SVN repo - package cTAKES using Maven
- move the compiled version to
- copy over the extras in
- checkout a copy of cTAKES into
Create a file named
containing your UMLS username and password:UMLS_USERNAME='username' UMLS_PASSWORD='password'
This currently does not work correctly.
To use MetaMap, download and install MetaMap:
Download from NLM
Extract the archive into our root directory and rename it to
Copy the script
Run the install script:
- nltk