A compiler for the Pogo programming language, implemented in Go. This hybrid compiler performs lexical analysis, syntax parsing, semantic validation, intermediate code generation and code execution.
- Lexical Analysis: Token recognition powered by GOCC
- Recursive Descent Parsing: Efficient parsing for context-free grammar
- Symbol Table Management: Tracks identifiers and scope for variables and functions
- Type Checking: Uses a semantic cube for enforcing type rules
- Data Type Support: Handles basic data types like
- Function Declarations & Calls: Supports defining and invoking functions
- Control Structures: Implements control flow with
- Variable Declaration: Variables can only be declared at the start of the program after program name and before function declarations, variables can also be declared within functions before any statement.
- Functions: Currently functions are only void functions.
- Variable Types: The program currently only handles ints and floats, booleans and comparisons are handled as ints.
program Factorial;
var result : float;
var x : int;
// Comments work as well!!!!
multiline comments also work!
result = 1;
x = 5;
while (x > 0) {
result = result * x;
x = x - 1;
print("This is the result", result)
program recursiveFibo;
var result : int;
func fib(n : int) {
var temp1, temp2 : int;
if(n < 2) {
result = n;
} else {
temp1 = n - 1;
temp2 = n - 2;
temp1 = result;
temp2 = result;
result = temp1 + temp2;
print("This is the result", result)
How to Run
The main.go script demonstrates the compilation and execution process:
Create a lexer object by passing an input file Generate tokens through lexical analysis
Initialize the parser with the lexer tokens Perform recursive descent parsing
Generate a binary file containing compiled data Serialize necessary information for VM execution
Load the compiled binary file Execute the virtual machine
lex := lexer.NewLexer(inputFile)
// Initialize parser
parser := parser.NewParser(lex)
// Parse the program
// Save compiled data
storer.SaveCompiledData(parser.CodeGenerator.Quads, parser.SymbolTable, parser.CodeGenerator.MemoryManager, "output.pbin")
// Load and execute
vm := storer.LoadCompiledData("output.pbin")