Tags: padenot/Summon
V1.0.2 * 693aaf0 - (HEAD, origin/lite, lite) Merge branch 'master' into lite (52 seconds ago) <Neamar> |\ | * f2e9175 - (origin/master, master) Use a thread to display results (2 minutes ago) <Neamar> | * 57aece8 - Replace Button with ImageButton (5 hours ago) <Neamar> | * c0b8391 - Use theme from device (5 hours ago) <Neamar> | * ddef1e4 - Display keyboard on activity resume (8 hours ago) <Neamar> | * 1c66cf5 - Cherry pick some changes made on lite version for first run (8 hours ago) <Neamar>