Generalized additive models with structured interactions
The following environments are required:
- Python 3.7 + (anaconda is preferable)
- tensorflow>=2.0.0, <=2.3.0
- numpy>=1.15.2
- pandas>=0.19.2
- matplotlib>=3.1.3
- scikit-learn>=0.23.0
pip install git+
Import library
import os
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from gaminet import GAMINet
from gaminet.utils import local_visualize
from gaminet.utils import global_visualize_density
from gaminet.utils import feature_importance_visualize
from gaminet.utils import plot_trajectory
from gaminet.utils import plot_regularization
Load data
def metric_wrapper(metric, scaler):
def wrapper(label, pred):
return metric(label, pred, scaler=scaler)
return wrapper
def rmse(label, pred, scaler):
pred = scaler.inverse_transform(pred.reshape([-1, 1]))
label = scaler.inverse_transform(label.reshape([-1, 1]))
return np.sqrt(np.mean((pred - label)**2))
def data_generator1(datanum, dist="uniform", random_state=0):
nfeatures = 100
x = np.random.uniform(0, 1, [datanum, nfeatures])
x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6 = [x[:, [i]] for i in range(6)]
def cliff(x1, x2):
# x1: -20,20
# x2: -10,5
x1 = (2 * x1 - 1) * 20
x2 = (2 * x2 - 1) * 7.5 - 2.5
term1 = -0.5 * x1 ** 2 / 100
term2 = -0.5 * (x2 + 0.03 * x1 ** 2 - 3) ** 2
y = 10 * np.exp(term1 + term2)
return y
y = (8 * (x1 - 0.5) ** 2
+ 0.1 * np.exp(-8 * x2 + 4)
+ 3 * np.sin(2 * np.pi * x3 * x4)
+ cliff(x5, x6)).reshape([-1,1]) + 1 * np.random.normal(0, 1, [datanum, 1])
task_type = "Regression"
meta_info = {"X" + str(i + 1):{'type':'continuous'} for i in range(nfeatures)}
for i, (key, item) in enumerate(meta_info.items()):
if item['type'] == 'target':
sy = MinMaxScaler((0, 1))
y = sy.fit_transform(y)
meta_info[key]['scaler'] = sy
sx = MinMaxScaler((0, 1))[[0], [1]])
x[:,[i]] = sx.transform(x[:,[i]])
meta_info[key]['scaler'] = sx
train_x, test_x, train_y, test_y = train_test_split(x, y, test_size=0.2, random_state=random_state)
return train_x, test_x, train_y, test_y, task_type, meta_info, metric_wrapper(rmse, sy)
train_x, test_x, train_y, test_y, task_type, meta_info, get_metric = data_generator1(10000, 0)
Run GAMI-Net
## Note the current GAMINet API requires input features being normalized within 0 to 1.
model = GAMINet(meta_info=meta_info, interact_num=20,
interact_arch=[40] * 5, subnet_arch=[40] * 5,
lr_bp=0.0001, batch_size=200, task_type=task_type, activation_func=tf.nn.relu,
main_effect_epochs=5000, interaction_epochs=5000, tuning_epochs=500, early_stop_thres=50,
heredity=True, loss_threshold=0.01, reg_clarity=1,
verbose=False, val_ratio=0.2, random_state=random_state), train_y)
val_x = train_x[model.val_idx, :]
val_y = train_y[model.val_idx, :]
tr_x = train_x[model.tr_idx, :]
tr_y = train_y[model.tr_idx, :]
pred_train = model.predict(tr_x)
pred_val = model.predict(val_x)
pred_test = model.predict(test_x)
gaminet_stat = np.hstack([np.round(get_metric(tr_y, pred_train),5),
np.round(get_metric(val_y, pred_val),5),
np.round(get_metric(test_y, pred_test),5)])
Training Logs
simu_dir = "./results/"
if not os.path.exists(simu_dir):
data_dict_logs = model.summary_logs(save_dict=False)
plot_trajectory(data_dict_logs, folder=simu_dir, name="s1_traj_plot", log_scale=True, save_png=True)
plot_regularization(data_dict_logs, folder=simu_dir, name="s1_regu_plot", log_scale=True, save_png=True)
Global Visualization
data_dict = model.global_explain(save_dict=False)
global_visualize_density(data_dict, save_png=True, folder=simu_dir, name='s1_global')
Feature Importance
feature_importance_visualize(data_dict, save_png=True, folder=simu_dir, name='s1_feature')
Local Visualization
data_dict_local = model.local_explain(train_x[[0]], train_y[[0]], save_dict=False)
local_visualize(data_dict_local, save_png=True, folder=simu_dir, name='s1_local')
Yang, Z., Zhang, A. and Sudjianto, A., 2020. GAMI-Net: An Explainable Neural Network based on Generalized Additive Models with Structured Interactions. arXiv:2003.0713
title={GAMI-Net: An Explainable Neural Network based on Generalized Additive Models with Structured Interactions},
author={Yang, Zebin and Zhang, Aijun and Sudjianto, Agus},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2003.07132},