Current as of Rule Britannia.
These were parsed as part of the EU4Map project. Not everything is implemented yet, but the basic information is outlined below.
'ARA': {
tag: "ARA",
name: "Arakan",
capital: 579, # provinceID
gov: "despotic_monarchy",
govrank: null,
ideas: {
ark_bengal_bay_trade: {…},
start: {
light_ship_cost "-0.20"
num_accepted_cultures 1
trigger: {…},
ark_muslim_advisers: {…},
ark_rohingya_immigrants: {…},
ark_trade_contracts_ark: {…},
ark_magh_and_ferenghi: {…},
free: true,
bonus: { # ambition
light_ship_power: "0.15",
ark_buddhist_sultans: {…},
ark_mrauk_u_dynasty: {…}
color: "d4d397", # hex colour
culture: "arakanese",
religion: "theravada",
techgroup: "chinese",
history: [], # NotImplemented
ideastype: "national",
internal_name: "Arakan",
provs: [], # provinceIDs
cores: [1,2,3] # provinceIDs
id: 1,
name: "Stockholm",
owner: "SWE",
controller: "SWE",
cores: ['SWE'],
culture: "swedish",
religion: "catholic",
tax: 5,
prod: 5,
man: 3,
trade: "grain",
hre: false,
claims: [],
visible: ['eastern', 'western', 'muslim', 'ottoman'],
sea: false,
ocean: false,
lake: false,
wasteland: false,
history: […],
tradenode: {
name: "baltic_sea",
main: false,
tile: { # Sometimes unavailable
r: "scandinavia_region", # Region
t: null, # Terrain (NotImplemented)
a: "ostra_svealand_area", # Area
c: "europe" # Continent
'lower_don_area': {
s: "eastern_europe_superregion",
r: "crimea_region",
'english_channel': {
location: 1269,
incoming: ['champagne', 'north_sea', 'chesapeake_bay', 'lubeck', 'ivory_coast'],
members: [1269, 1270, 167, ...], # Provinces in node
color: [220, 138, 57],
end: true
'Christian': [
['Anglican', 'anglican', [135, 77, 255]],
['Catholic', 'catholic', [204, 204, 0]]
Pretty much raw data from common/religions/00_religion.txt
Latin: ['romagnan', 'piedmontese', 'tuscan', 'ligurian', 'sardinian', 'neapolitan', 'lombard', 'venetian', 'sicilian',
'umbrian', 'maltese'],
'navy': {
'heavy_frigate': {
type: "light_ship",
sprite_level: 5,
sail_speed: 10,
hull_size: 20,
trade_power: 4,
base_cannons: 25
'army': {
'bhonsle_infantry ': {
'stats': {
om: 2, # Offensive Morale
of: 3 # Offensive Fire
os: 2, # Offensive Shock
m: 1, # Maneuver
dm: 2, # Defensive Morale
ds: 2, # Defensive Shock
df: 3 # Defensive Fire
type: 'infantry',
unit_type: 'indian',