A lightweight customizable math expression parsing library that supports custom functions and variables, with a complete error handling system(ParserException
To understand the making of this project, please refer to this PDF.
MathExpression expr = new("1 * (2 + 3) - (4 * 5 * (6 + 7))");
double value = expr.Evaluate(); // value is -255
MathExpression expr = new("1! * 2! * 3! * 4!");
double value = expr.Evaluate(); // value is 288
MathExpression expr = new("sin(90 torad)");
double value = expr.Evaluate(); // value is 1
MathExpression expr = new("sqrt(1 + sin(pi / 2) * 3)");
double value = expr.Evaluate(); // value is 2
MathExpression expr = new("log(log(3.2e+2, -(-1e1)), sqrt(1E-4))");
double value = expr.Evaluate(); // value is -0.19941686566
The number in the parentheses is the number of arguments that function takes.
All trigonometric functions are in radians. Use torad to convert degrees to radians.
Type | Name | Description |
Binary | + | Addition |
Binary | - | Subtraction |
Prefix unary | - | Negation |
Binary | * | Multiplication |
Binary | / | Division |
Binary | ^ | Power |
Binary | % | Modulo |
Constant | pi | π |
Constant | e | Euler's number |
Function(1) | sqrt | Square root |
Function(1) | sin | Sine |
Function(1) | asin | Arc sine |
Function(1) | cos | Cosine |
Function(1) | acos | Arc cosine |
Function(1) | tan | Tangent |
Function(1) | atan | Arc tangent |
Function(1) | csc | Cosecant |
Function(1) | acsc | Arc cosecant |
Function(1) | sec | Secant |
Function(1) | asec | Arc secant |
Function(1) | cot | Cotangent |
Function(1) | acot | Arc cotangent |
Function(1) | sinh | Hyperbolic sine |
Function(1) | asinh | Hyperbolic arc sine |
Function(1) | cosh | Hyperbolic cosine |
Function(1) | acosh | Hyperbolic arc cosine |
Function(1) | tanh | Hyperbolic tangent |
Function(1) | atanh | Hyperbolic arc tangent |
Function(1) | csch | Hyperbolic cosecant |
Function(1) | acsch | Hyperbolic arc cosecant |
Function(1) | sech | Hyperbolic secant |
Function(1) | asech | Hyperbolic arc secant |
Function(1) | coth | Hyperbolic cotangent |
Function(1) | acoth | Hyperbolic arc cotangent |
Function(2) | P | Permutation |
Function(2) | C | Combination |
Function(2) | H | H(x, y) = C(x + y - 1, x - 1) = C(x + y - 1, y) |
Function(2) | log | Logarithm. The second argument is the base. |
Function(1) | log10 | Logarithm base 10 |
Function(1) | log2 | Logarithm base 2 |
Function(1) | ln | Natural logarithm |
Function(1) | ceil | Least integer not less than |
Function(1) | floor | Greatest integer not greater than |
Function(1) | round | Round decimal places |
Function(1) | abs | Absolute value |
Function(any) | min | Returns the least value of the arguments. If no arguments are given, returns 0. |
Function(any) | max | Returns the greatest value of the arguments. If no arguments are given, returns 0. |
Postfix unary | ! | Factorial |
Postfix unary | torad | Converts degrees to radians |
Postfix unary | todeg | Converts radians to degrees |
MathExpression expr = new("f(x)");
expr.CustomFunctions.Add(new FunctionalOperator("f", x => x[0] * 2, 1));
expr.CustomConstants.Add(new ConstantOperator("x", 100));
double value = expr.Evaluate(); // value is 200
MathExpression expr = new("sin(1,)");
// prints ParserExceptionContext { Position = 6, Type = UnexpectedClosingParenthesis }
MathExpression expr = new("2sin(2)");
// prints ParserExceptionContext { Position = 1, Type = UnexpectedFunctionalOperator }
MathExpression expr = new("cos(1, 2)");
// prints ParserExceptionContext { Position = 0, Type = IncorrectArgumentCount }
MathExpression expr = new("tan(pipi)");
// prints ParserExceptionContext { Position = 4, Type = UnknownOperator }
Type | Description |
InvalidNumberFormat | An error where a number with an invalid format was found in a MathExpression . |
IncorrectArgumentCount | An error where either too many or too few arguments were passed to a FunctionalOperator . |
InvalidCustomFunctionName | An error where some of the custom functions provided have names that either start with a number, are empty, or contain characters that are not alphanumeric or are not underscores. |
NullCustomFunction | An error where MathExpression.CustomFunctions contains a null element. |
InvalidCustomConstantName | An error where some of the custom constants provided have names that either start with a number, are empty, or contain characters that are not alphanumeric or are not underscores. |
NullCustomConstant | An error where MathExpression.CustomConstants contain a null element. |
NaNConstant | An error where MathExpression.CustomConstants have a ConstantOperator.Value of double.NaN . |
ConflictingNames | An error where two Operator s in a MathExpression share the same name. |
UnexpectedBinaryOperator | An error where a BinaryOperator is used incorrectly. |
TooManyOpeningParentheses | An error where a opening parenthesiis is used without a corresponding opening parenthesis. |
UnexpectedClosingParenthesis | An error where a closing parenthesis is used incorrectly, or where a closing parenthesis is used without a corresponding opening parenthesis. |
UnexpectedComma | An error where a comma is used incorrectly. |
UnexpectedConstantOperator | An error where a ConstantOperator is used incorrectly. |
UnexpectedFunctionalOperator | An error where a FunctionalOperator is used incorrectly. |
UnexpectedNumber | An error where a number is used incorrectly. |
UnexpectedOpeningParenthesis | An error where a opening parenthesis is used incorrectly. |
UnexpectedPostfixUnaryOperator | An error where a PostfixUnaryOperator is used incorrectly. |
UnexpectedPrefixUnaryOperator | An error where a PrefixUnaryOperator is used incorrectly. |
UnknownOperator | An error where an unknown Operator is used in a MathExpression . |
UnexpectedNewline | An error where a MathExpression ended unexpectedly. |
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