I'm learning ml
On this repository there are several folders :
- One folder about "ateliers ML" organise by an 42 student
- One folder about Anddrew NG Coursera ML courses with matlab files
- One folder with from scratch python Linear reg and Logic reg
- One folder contains jupyther notebook about ML with Scikit Learn
- Tennis prediction on a personnal dataset (part of a big projet)
- See tennis-backend & tennis-frontend & tennis-dataset
- The new jupyter notebook playground will be on tennis-backend/playground folder
- Tennis prediction on a personnal dataset (part of a big projet)
I have also participate at many Kaggle Challenge : kaggle
In the real life, i have participate to event "Meilleur Datascientist de France" at Station F
The next aims of this repo is the works on DeepLearming with TensorsFlow and Scikit Learn Moreover , I will do the MNIST dataset with deepLearming