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timerheap implements a cross_platform async timerManager base on c11, The timer scheduling implementation here is based on min heap by std::priority_queue.
static TimerManager& getInstance();
// set a timer
TimerPtr SetTimer(uint32 msDelay, uint32 msPeriod,void (*timer_cb)(void*), void* arg);
// stop a timer
void KillTimer(TimerPtr tmr)
//timebase tick
uint32 Now();
//you must call OnTick period, it used to schedule timers
void OnTick();
#include "timerheap.h"
using namespace pandaknight;
using namespace std;
TimerManager* tmr;
TimerPtr timer;
bool stop = false;
void cb(void*p){
TimerPtr* timer = (TimerPtr*)p;
cout << timer << " " << tmr->Now() << endl;
if(stop) {
int main() {
tmr = &TimerManager::getInstance(); // singleton
timer = tmr->SetTimer(0, 10, cb, &timer); //set a timer, period = 10 * time_base
stop = true;
this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(1)); // time_base = 1ms
tmr->OnTick(); //tick step