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This project aims to explore the deployment of Swin-Transformer based on TensorRT, including the test results of FP16 and INT8.


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Swin Transformer

This project aims to explore the deployment of SwinTransformer based on TensorRT, including the test results of FP16 and INT8.

Introduction(Quoted from the Original Project )

Swin Transformer original github repo (the name Swin stands for Shifted window) is initially described in arxiv, which capably serves as a general-purpose backbone for computer vision. It is basically a hierarchical Transformer whose representation is computed with shifted windows. The shifted windowing scheme brings greater efficiency by limiting self-attention computation to non-overlapping local windows while also allowing for cross-window connection.


  1. Please refer to the Data preparation session to prepare Imagenet-1K.

  2. Actually two environments are used to do this work.

    a). Conda environment, please refer to the Install session for detail. With this environment, we can run to evaluate the accuracy of the PyTorch model, and the script can be executed to get the onnx model.

    b). TensorRT docker(from NGC,, TensorRT is pre-installed in the docker) is mainly used to build TRT engine, run trtexec benchmark, and evaluate the accuracy of TRT engine. The following utils are installed in this docker (it seems torch1.7.1 can be installed on cuda11.5):

    pip install torch==1.7.1 torchvision==0.8.2
    pip install opencv-python== termcolor==1.1.0 yacs==0.1.8
    pip install timm==0.3.2
    pip install tqdm prettytable scipy
    pip install absl-py -i --trusted-host

Code Structure

Focus on the modifications and additions.

├──                  # Add the default config of quantization and onnx export
├──                  # Export the PyTorch model to ONNX format
├── models
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   └──    # Build the model and add the quantization operations, modified to export the onnx and build the TensorRT engine
├── pytorch_quantization       # the source code of pytorch quantization sdk, cloned from TensorRT OSS/tools
├── trt                        # Directory for TensorRT's engine evaluation and visualization.
│   ├── debug                  # Compare scripts with polygraphy, compare the results of onnx and TRT engine with fixed input
│   ├──        # Script for engine build
│   ├──
│   ├──            # Evaluate the tensorRT engine's accuary.
│   ├──         # Run the onnx model, generate the results, just for debugging
├──         # QAT workflow for swin_transformer, we haven't try the swin_mlp structure
└── weights

Export to ONNX and Build TensorRT Engine

You need to pay attention to the two modification below.

  1. Exporting the operator roll to ONNX opset version 9 is not supported.
    A: Please refer to torch/onnx/, add the support of exporting torch.roll.

  2. Node (Concat_264) Op (Concat) [ShapeInferenceError] All inputs to Concat must have same rank.
    A: Please refer to the modifications in models/ We use the input_resolution and window_size to compute the nW.

       if mask is not None:
         nW = int(self.input_resolution[0]*self.input_resolution[1]/self.window_size[0]/self.window_size[1])
         #nW = mask.shape[0]
         #print('nW: ', nW)
         attn = attn.view(B_ // nW, nW, self.num_heads, N, N) + mask.unsqueeze(1).unsqueeze(0)
         attn = attn.view(-1, self.num_heads, N, N)
         attn = self.softmax(attn)

Accuray Test Results on ImageNet-1K Validation Dataset

  1. Download the Swin-T pretrained model from Model Zoo. Evaluate the accuracy of the Pytorch pretrained model.

    $ python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node 1 --master_port 12345 --eval --cfg configs/swin_tiny_patch4_window7_224.yaml --resume ./weights/swin_tiny_patch4_window7_224.pth --data-path ../imagenet_1k
  2. exports a pytorch model to onnx format.

    $ python --eval --cfg configs/swin_tiny_patch4_window7_224.yaml --resume ./weights/swin_tiny_patch4_window7_224.pth --data-path ../imagenet_1k  --batch-size-onnx 32
  3. Build the TensorRT engine using trtexec.

    $ trtexec --onnx=./weights/swin_tiny_patch4_window7_224.onnx --buildOnly --verbose --saveEngine=./weights/swin_tiny_patch4_window7_224_batch16.engine --workspace=4096

    For fp16 mode, fp16 can't store very large and very small numbers like fp32. So we need to set some specific layers to fp32 during the engine build. Submitted a nvbug for the FP16 accuracy issue, please refer to nvbug 3464358. Before the bug is fixed, we can fallback the POW and REDUCE layers to FP32, it is enough to fix the accuracy problem and don't hurt the perfomance/throughput.

    $ python trt/ --onnx-file ./weights/swin_tiny_patch4_window7_224.onnx --trt-engine  ./weights/swin_tiny_patch4_window7_224_batch16_fp16.engine --verbose --mode fp16

    You can use the trtexec to test the throughput of the TensorRT engine.

    $ trtexec --loadEngine=./weights/swin_tiny_patch4_window7_224_batch16.engine
  4. trt/ aims to evalute the accuracy of the TensorRT engine.

    $ python trt/ --eval --cfg configs/swin_tiny_patch4_window7_224.yaml --resume ./weights/swin_tiny_patch4_window7_224_batch16.engine --data-path ../imagenet_1k --batch-size 16
  5. trt/ aims to evalute the accuracy of the Onnx model, just for debug.

    $ python trt/ --eval --cfg configs/swin_tiny_patch4_window7_224.yaml --resume ./weights/swin_tiny_patch4_window7_224.onnx --data-path ../imagenet_1k --batch-size 16

Accuracy Test of TensorRT engine (T4, TensorRT

SwinTransformer(T4) Acc@1 Notes
PyTorch Pretrained Model 81.160
TensorRT Engine(FP32) 81.156
TensorRT Engine(FP16) 81.150 With POW and REDUCE layers fallback to FP32
TensorRT Engine(INT8 QAT) - Finetune for 1 epoch, got 79.980, need to improve the int8 throughput first

Speed Test of TensorRT engine (T4, TensorRT

SwinTransformer(T4) FP32 FP16 Explicit Quantization(INT8, QAT)
batchsize=1 245.388 qps 510.072 qps 385.454 qps
batchsize=16 316.8624 qps 804.112 qps 815.606 qps
batchsize=64 329.13984 qps 833.4208 qps 780.006 qps
batchsize=256 331.9808 qps 844.10752 qps -


  1. Now the accuracy and speedup of FP16 is as expected, it is highly recommended to deploy Swin-Transformer with FP16 precision.

  2. Compared with FP16, INT8 does not speed up at present. Attached the nsys analysis file.

nsys result

a. For the torch.matmul operation (QK and (QK)*V) of MHA, although we insert FakeQuantize node before torch.matmul, volta_sgemm_int8_64x64_nn is choosed.

b. Although the nn.Linear operation of Q, K and V runs with int8 precision(trt_volta_fp32_igemm_int8_128x128_ldg4_relu_nn_v0), but tensor core kernel is not enables.

The comparasion of FP16 and QAT-int8 is as below.
nsys result

nsys result

a. That SGEMM kernel is used for the two batch-GEMM: QK^T and (QK^T)*V. The gemm size is very bad for IMMA: (1024x3x49x32 * 1024x3x32x49 -> 1024x3x49x49) and (1024x3x49x49 * 1024x3x49x32 -> 1024x3x49x32). "49" is just not a good number for IMMA, while 49 equals window_size(7)*window_size(7), is widely used in Swin-Transformer. Please refer to ViT and Swin-Transformer for detail.

b. QAT+FP16 is gray area. Under QAT, sometimes TRT doesn't attempt to select an fp16 gemm kernel. Therefore, our int8 engine may not perform as well as fp16.

Attached the fp16 engine layer information with batchsize=128 on T4.

[12/04/2021-06:44:31] [V] [TRT] Engine Layer Information:
Layer(Reformat): Reformatting CopyNode for Input Tensor 0 to Conv_0, Tactic: 0, input_0[Float(128,3,224,224)] -> Reformatted Input Tensor 0 to Conv_0[Half(128,3,224,224)]
Layer(CaskConvolution): Conv_0, Tactic: 1579845938601132607, Reformatted Input Tensor 0 to Conv_0[Half(128,3,224,224)] -> 191[Half(128,96,56,56)]
Layer(Myelin): {ForeignNode[318...(Unnamed Layer* 4183) [Shuffle]]}, Tactic: 0, 191[Half(128,96,56,56)] -> Reformatted Output Tensor 0 to {ForeignNode[318...(Unnamed Layer* 4183) [Shuffle]]}[Half(128,1000)]
Layer(Reformat): Reformatting CopyNode for Output Tensor 0 to {ForeignNode[318...(Unnamed Layer* 4183) [Shuffle]]}, Tactic: 0, Reformatted Output Tensor 0 to {ForeignNode[318...(Unnamed Layer* 4183) [Shuffle]]}[Half(128,1000)] -> output_0[Float(128,1000)]

Add Quantizer and Wrap the Fake-Quantized Model (Experiment)

The main modifications of models/ are as below.

  1. For PatchMerging block, modify torch.nn.Liner to quant_nn.QuantLinear.

  2. For WindowAttention block,
    a) For query, key and value, modify torch.nn.Liner to quant_nn.QuantLinear.
    b) Quantize the four inputs of torch.matmul.

  3. For MLP block, modify torch.nn.Liner to quant_nn.QuantLinear.

  4. For SwinTransformerBlock block, quantize the inputs of operator +.

QAT for Swin Transformer (Experiment)

In order to do the QAT finetuning, some utils are needed to install.
tqdm, prettytable, scipy, absl-py

  1. With, wrap a fake-quantized model, calibrate, QAT finetuning and export to onnx model.

    $ python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node 1 --master_port 12345 --cfg configs/swin_tiny_patch4_window7_224.yaml --resume ./weights/swin_tiny_patch4_window7_224.pth --batch-size 64 --data-path ../imagenet_1k --quantize --num-finetune-epochs 3  --batch-size-onnx 16
  2. Build the TensorRT engine using trt/

    $ python trt/ --onnx-file ./weights/swin_tiny_patch4_window7_224.onnx --trt-engine  ./weights/swin_tiny_patch4_window7_224_batch16_quant.engine --mode int8 --verbose --batch-size 16 
  3. trt/ aims to evalute the accuracy of the TensorRT engine.

    $ python trt/ --eval --cfg configs/swin_tiny_patch4_window7_224.yaml --resume ./weights/swin_tiny_patch4_window7_224_batch16_quant.engine --data-path ../imagenet_1k --batch-size 16


  1. Will follow the TensorRT int8 performance of Swin Transormer.


This project aims to explore the deployment of Swin-Transformer based on TensorRT, including the test results of FP16 and INT8.



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